One of the most corrupt governments in the world, major hub for sex trafficking of both children and adults, one of the top producers of child pornography in the world and home turf of the Khazarian Mafia.
Ukraine is the homeland of the Khazars, there are hundreds of miles of tunnels under the land with Biowarfare labs, baby farms for adrenochrome and harvesting the eggs of their female slaves, slaves that are prostituted to all and sundry after this surgery and what else? Hybridised super soldiers? Cryptid manufacture?
I don’t think they want to poke that bear….there must be something really worth protecting in UKR
One of the most corrupt governments in the world, major hub for sex trafficking of both children and adults, one of the top producers of child pornography in the world and home turf of the Khazarian Mafia.
You don't target civies with drone strikes to protect stuff. You do it to provoke a response.
They want the fighting to continue, they NEED it to continue.
The question is why?
Agreed. I guess they don't see there won't be any when all is glassed.
Theyre the ones playing from the old playback. It doesn't work that way any more.
Ukraine is the homeland of the Khazars, there are hundreds of miles of tunnels under the land with Biowarfare labs, baby farms for adrenochrome and harvesting the eggs of their female slaves, slaves that are prostituted to all and sundry after this surgery and what else? Hybridised super soldiers? Cryptid manufacture?
...the Kharzarian Mafia