ValkyrieDigitalis 6 points ago +6 / -0

the RINOs would throw down for her. They are all in on the games. They have to much money being laundered in Ukraine. All it would take is Romney bitching out. And you know he would.

ValkyrieDigitalis 4 points ago +4 / -0

Thank you for providing these links. It does clear up the issue about the pixelation because if you go by what appears to be two people - one dressed in black on the shadow side and one dressed in white on the sunny side - they'd have to be giants. I've worked with digital imagery enough to know that pixelation is an issue. I will admit that I thought that these pixelations were persons. It's now obvious that they are not when you see the scale of the catwalks and ladders.

Of note, It doesn't mean there wasn't anybody up there. It just means that these pixelations obviously don't represent anybody who might have been up there.

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is also good.

One thing I found out earlier today. The official story is that the other counter sniper team took out Crooks, not this team. That other team was also wearing different gear so likely from a different outfit.

ValkyrieDigitalis 8 points ago +8 / -0

I keep thinking about the counter sniper's reaction where he obviously jumped back from his scope in surprise and surveyed the situation without the scope. What would he have seen to make him jump back like that? He wouldn't have been surprised like that over a view of trees.

I think he saw that Crooks was already dead. That would have been a WTF moment that would have caused that reaction. Maybe he even saw Crooks killed... from an angle that wasn't one of the known counter sniper positions.... like the water tower.

ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

They knew. Their idiocy is that the conned themselves into believing we were all idiots.

ValkyrieDigitalis 6 points ago +6 / -0

It seems a lot of us fell into that trap. I know so many people who bought into the Obama slam for the first go-round. He said he would end Citizens United - the syringe that is directly injecting oligarch funds into our political system. And, he said it with such incredible acting skill we weren't prepared for. After he skipped any further mention of Citizens United after his election and then went full throttle on Obamacare mandates, the gig was up. Don't feel bad. We all wanted to get away from more of the Bush league crap. We thought Obama was not in that group. We understand more now about how the game is played. Look back and understand how much you have learned in the last 12 years.

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Says the guys who biggest source of income, the Panama Canal, is funded entirely by Chyna who also funds the migrants. Forgive me while I roll my eyes.

ValkyrieDigitalis 3 points ago +3 / -0

why show the plan if nothing is going to be done about it? If that is the case, all of this was done simply to demoralize us. To what end? To simply accept our fate? Maybe...

ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are just setting up to have Michelle Obama finally step in. They want to do this move last minute so that there isn't enough time to break her image among the democrats. If I was strategizing for the other side, I would probably do this, too. Its there only hope. Make no mistake, they are fighting to take over the USA in this unconventional warfare. Its time to start shaking the Michelle tree everywhere... and not about the gender issue... whether its true or not, the dems and normies won't listen to a word you say if you inject that tidbit into the conversation. Get to work folks! Michelle is coming. Mark my words.

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

timestamps are included in the routing packet header wrappers of all TCP/IP packets to determine how long to hang on to packets before dropping them. its a standard part of the protocol since inception.

ValkyrieDigitalis 8 points ago +8 / -0

I started watching him today and noticed he seemed to be very teary eyed and glum. I had to run some errands so only able to watch a few minutes and had been wondering all day if his cancer had taken a turn. Glad it wasn't the cancer and sorry to hear about his mom. My thoughts go out to him and his family.

ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

I read through these texts and just see red flags flying high. These ravings have more in common with the drunk on the street corner trying to kiss the sky than anything Jones has provided on the Grove.

It isn't the profanity that puts me off here. My BS meter is pinging me as I type this, "why are you even commenting on this bs?"

ValkyrieDigitalis 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indentured Servitude has been a scam since the 1700s, usually as a last resort to get to the USA. In theory, it would be a fair trade, but the reality is often that these people are subject to all different kinds of abuse, overwork, poor living conditions. Coyotes often add "fines" for minor infractions to be repaid. Then there are those who will arbitrarily extending their contracts essentially making them a slave.

ValkyrieDigitalis 3 points ago +3 / -0

It would help if we stopped loading these agencies with Bayer (bought out Monsanto) execs.

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Handshake failure at the end of audio. Glad I have Starlink and Phone over Wifi. Hope is it good to go. Gonna be a bumpy ride.

For those of you dragging out your old modems and still have a landline, I feel for you. There are still a few ISP access points out there, but you'll have to dig for them. Then check your setups beforehand so you aren't trying to figure it out without internet. You may have forgotten a few things about the setup.

If DNS is down, you'll need to plug in IP addresses manually into your systems hosts file. Be sure you know what that is, how to edit it, have permissions on your system to do it, and what the IP addresses are for the domains you want to access.

ValkyrieDigitalis 1 point ago +1 / -0

Except the end tone in the audio indicates a failed connection.

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