Wow all of the work California done putting tags on poisonous sunglasses and anything with toxicity never considered their wine?
I read that strawberries and apples are our most ruined food. And two foods with the most nutrition we need, meaning if there's anything you can eat organic choose those two foods. My family in California are greenies but talk about how much they spray the dirt before they even plant the strawberries. They spray before they sprout and soon after they sprout. They don't seem to care about food or go after these policies like they do for sunglasses and other things people use.
I did read from Musk there is a robot now with a laser that can go up and down the farm rows of food and zap the weeds! No chemicals needed! I've not heard another word.
That is because Monsanto is running the FDA! RFK let's go!!!
Wow all of the work California done putting tags on poisonous sunglasses and anything with toxicity never considered their wine? I read that strawberries and apples are our most ruined food. And two foods with the most nutrition we need, meaning if there's anything you can eat organic choose those two foods. My family in California are greenies but talk about how much they spray the dirt before they even plant the strawberries. They spray before they sprout and soon after they sprout. They don't seem to care about food or go after these policies like they do for sunglasses and other things people use.
I did read from Musk there is a robot now with a laser that can go up and down the farm rows of food and zap the weeds! No chemicals needed! I've not heard another word.
That is because Monsanto is running the FDA! RFK let's go!!!
Oh, the irony.