Trump Reveals 'Productive' Call with Putin, Warns of Imminent Massacre: ‘Thousands of Ukrainian Troops Are Surrounded!’ | The Ga...
In a striking update, Trump highlights a "productive" dialogue with Putin amid warnings of dire circumstances for Ukrainian forces. The unfolding situation raises critical questions about the future of the conflict and international relations.
'On Friday, Trump took to Truth Social, stating:
“We had very good and productive discussions with President Vladimir Putin of Russia yesterday, and there is a very good chance that this horrible, bloody war can finally come to an end — BUT, AT THIS VERY MOMENT, THOUSANDS OF UKRAINIAN TROOPS ARE COMPLETELY SURROUNDED BY THE RUSSIAN MILITARY, AND IN A VERY BAD AND VULNERABLE POSITION. I have strongly requested to President Putin that their lives be spared. This would be a horrible massacre, one not seen since World War II. God bless them all!!!“'
Yep, and if Ukraine still doesn't want to surrender or end war, the lives of thousands of Ukrainian are in Mini Me's hands.. so it's up to Shorty to make the call. Both President Trump and Putin have tried their darndest for Peace.
no mercy in warfare
Trump annihilated the isis caliphate
Putin should annihilate the ukraine fag caliphate
Cut off the head of the snake and spare innocents. Down with the clown.
soldiers carrying weapons are innocents now?
I'm 100% for limiting civilian casualties but let's agree to disagree that an opposition army is "innocent"
Like I said,once again, spare the innocents by cutting the head of the snake. Active combatants, better run or defect before the hammer drops, because Z this time blew up the money and ammo pipelines and Western Europe is too busy giving every last penny in handouts to illegal aliens and covering up grooming gangs to help.
See Poland. They got the memo, and are arming up to the teeth.
ISIS are now 'in control' of Syria, calling themselves some other name. Notice the amazing cohincidink that Israel in the Golan heights has not been attacked...
agreed 100% but I can tell you I was THERE in 2017/18 when we did it and we killed them all
no mercy it was brutal
A decent percentage of those Ukrainian soldiers are men who were kidnapped and forced to fight against their will. I hope they are spared and the evil Ukrainian leaders are brought to justice
they should lay down their arms and surrender if that's the case
How does it work if Mercenaries get slaughtered before they are paid? Does it go to a predetermined bank account, that goes to family? or do the War Profiteers pocket the money?
you already know the answer to this
Is there not a Mercenaries Union?
LOL, they could organize. Make a list of members.
bro if UHC won't pay regular insurance imagine the merc insurance lol
Yhe mer cunion could campaign for sick leave and holiday pay.
They don't have to be annihilated. They could just surrender.
Well, the Ukrianians never admitted that encirclement in Kursk was the case, so Trump blasting it to the world, is bringing everyone onto the same page rather fast. But we have been watching the bag deflating preddy fast, however, the maps don't usually show the reach of drones. So, even as the fire-bag has been tactially shut for nearly a week, the maps, esp. the deepstate Ukrainian one, still show a 'road of life' (which is misleading, because if is now a road of death). This development explains the urgent, garbled 'ceasefire' (in the air but not on the ground) demand.
Any map should have a visualized, fuzzy 5km perimeter around each line of contact. 'Grey' zones are not really interpreted like that by mappers, and applying a fuzzy brush would not add anything for clarity. My point is: Trump is saying something that has been true for some days.