What many do not consider is that the information is so valuable and effective in controlling the targets , that the material will not be destroyed. So who is to say that The Chess Master Trump would not want to preserve the opportunity to use this leverage should he need to ?
We are only six weeks from the starting line, we already see the unexpected mountain of problems in front of us. Look at how Schumer made a pivot. Many, will wonder where they stand and the Commander in Chief is watching closely.
We are not out of the woods, be patient, withold emotional judgement. I admit, I felt the grip of it, until this value above hit me. Hang tough !
What many do not consider is that the information is so valuable and effective in controlling the targets , that the material will not be destroyed. So who is to say that The Chess Master Trump would not want to preserve the opportunity to use this leverage should he need to ?
We are only six weeks from the starting line, we already see the unexpected mountain of problems in front of us. Look at how Schumer made a pivot. Many, will wonder where they stand and the Commander in Chief is watching closely.
We are not out of the woods, be patient, withold emotional judgement. I admit, I felt the grip of it, until this value above hit me. Hang tough !