Since we have more oil and gas than anyone else on the planet, we should sell as much as possible before free energy devices become a thing. Those man-made UFOs aren't using gas or diesel. Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. and make the middle class boom. $150k in CA and NY doesn't go very far. Most families need both parents working and bringing in $300k+ to afford a modest home. Eliminate income and real estate taxes so people can keep something of what they earn. The more you make means the more you keep, not having to always think of the tax man wanting his cut.
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Well, the states are independent entities and make their own decisions on such matters. But people are always welcome to "vote with their feet" and move from a high-tax state to a "low-tax (or no-tax) state."
The way it works is Trump says either you eliminate your real estate and income tax or we reduce or eliminate federal funds to your state. Need a new road? We won't fund a big part. Ditto bridges, storm drains, etc. Need a new airport? Don't look to us for help. Need a new school? Fund it yourself.
Eventually, if for example, the state takes in $5 Billion in taxes per year but loses $10 Billion in Federal funding, they'll come around.
Hmmm, that might work!