Request 1: i know a fellow veteran suffering from seizures. Anyone have research on alternative treatments, herbs, diets, etc that help?
Request 2: Prayers for my friends kid. Emergency CT scan worried it could be a tumour. They are going to have to put him under for an MRI. Prayers for safe procedure and good news
I had a brain tumor/cyst discovered when I was 21 after several grand mal seizures. They put me on Kepra (awful suicidal drug, don't let them give him that) and then had it removed. Assuming his isnt related this way, there are tons of studies on Keto+IF that show you can treat Epilepsy, reduce tumor size and starve cancer. Keto was specifically developed for Epilepsy. Not just a fad. Kinda like Viagra.... multiple use cases. Hope this helps you and your fren.
Fren, I thought I remembered Dr. Makis talking about ivermectin for seizures, but I didn't find the video. I might be wrong, but here is a short video of him talking about the many things it helps with, so I would suggest reaching out to him or seeing if you could find a video of him discussing seizures and what he suggests. Praying for your friends.
I used to use cannabis for my seizures. It didn’t fix anything but kept the episodes pretty far apart.
There’s a popular marijuana strain called “Charlotte’s Web” that was actually developed as a high CBD, non-psychoactive variant specifically to treat a girl named Charlotte who suffered from seizures.
CBD in general is hemp-derived so it’s about as safe as you can get. However, be sure to double check interactions with other medications that process through the liver because it can have an effect on how long those chemicals stay in the body and potentially raise them to toxic levels. Also make sure you find a legit product because there’s a bunch of random bs you can find online that isn’t necessarily tested.