I believe we are fighting a war between good and evil. It is cosmic in scope. That is the greatest truth. If true, and I believe that it is, here is the breakdown of living people who are aware of it:
✔ Completely Asleep (90%+) – Trapped in the illusion, trusting the system. ✔ Aware of Some Corruption (5-8%) – Knows governments and corporations are corrupt but doesn’t see the spiritual war. ✔ Deep Researchers & Truth Seekers (1%) – Aware of deeper deception but may still be caught in partial narratives. ✔ Fully Awake (0.001% or fewer) – Sees the entire system: the physical, political, financial, and cosmic layers of control.
Where are you?
Probably closer to the .001% than the 1%. I think on the cosmic level but have no idea what is going on there. I think god and the devil are false so that is either going to put me above or below most people here depending on the reality. I doubt one person in one hundred thousand has true knowledge on the cosmic level,