They NEVER make sense, The ANC think they're this Wonderful World saving Organization that's stands for 'Human Rights'..They're completely the opposite....
There are more Civilians murdered/killed here in SA that there are in Ukraine...
80 Murders a Day, 120 rapes a day, EVERYDAY !! But we taking Israel to court for Human Rights Violations...They live in an Alternate fucking Universe...🤬🤬🤬
This is Pure Self Centered "Stubborn" Provocation...They have this perceived 'Self Importance' attitude...They 'think' the World Owes them because of Apartheid which ended 31 years ago....
this makes no sense, or maybe I can't understand what she is saying. Not good, anyway.
They NEVER make sense, The ANC think they're this Wonderful World saving Organization that's stands for 'Human Rights'..They're completely the opposite.... There are more Civilians murdered/killed here in SA that there are in Ukraine... 80 Murders a Day, 120 rapes a day, EVERYDAY !! But we taking Israel to court for Human Rights Violations...They live in an Alternate fucking Universe...🤬🤬🤬
This is Pure Self Centered "Stubborn" Provocation...They have this perceived 'Self Importance' attitude...They 'think' the World Owes them because of Apartheid which ended 31 years ago....