Also Jordan. I had a vision about that country. Of millions walking over the border into Israel.
One in five people living in Jordan is Palestinian — more than 2.3 million registered refugees in all, a population slightly larger than that of the Gaza Strip. Most of them have full citizenship.
Has anyone considered the possibility that when Trump said that Egypt, Jordan etc. should take in millions of Palestinians, that it was to get them out of harm's way for what is about to happen?
The live of conspiracy theories is shortening really fast now.
Before, the liars had decades, even lifetimes, to get away with it.
Now, It's different.
Also Jordan. I had a vision about that country. Of millions walking over the border into Israel.
Has anyone considered the possibility that when Trump said that Egypt, Jordan etc. should take in millions of Palestinians, that it was to get them out of harm's way for what is about to happen?
yes, but the people who are being summarily moved don't see it that way. Lots of them see it as another ethnic cleansing move.