The problem lies not in any one chemical or food but in the aggregate from a diet that is mostly highly processed foods.
For a median income family its almost impossible to escape these foods. Two income families simply dont have the time to hunt down alternative sources and even if they can they cant afford to feed a family that way. Our grocery stores are filled with garbage. Even the produce is garbage now. The fruit you buy is tasteless with a shelf life of weeks. Thats not natural. The greens are covered in pesticides and grown with glyphosate. Its all fucking poison.
So even though this little bit of phosphorous may not kill you the aggregate will and it does. Its all part of the make you sick, keep you sick, big Ag, Big Med, Big Pharma ploy. Nobody is interested in curing disease they only treat it keeping you as a customer for life. And then when you near end of life its constant medical procedures that keep you alive long enough to suck every last penny you accumulated leaving nothing for your kids.
Something many even here may not know, is that the American middle class is the largest depository of wealth in the world. Ive seen numbers near 50 TRILLION dollars. They want it and this is one way they take it.
The problem lies not in any one chemical or food but in the aggregate from a diet that is mostly highly processed foods.
For a median income family its almost impossible to escape these foods. Two income families simply dont have the time to hunt down alternative sources and even if they can they cant afford to feed a family that way. Our grocery stores are filled with garbage. Even the produce is garbage now. The fruit you buy is tasteless with a shelf life of weeks. Thats not natural. The greens are covered in pesticides and grown with glyphosate. Its all fucking poison.
So even though this little bit of phosphorous may not kill you the aggregate will and it does. Its all part of the make you sick, keep you sick, big Ag, Big Med, Big Pharma ploy. Nobody is interested in curing disease they only treat it keeping you as a customer for life. And then when you near end of life its constant medical procedures that keep you alive long enough to suck every last penny you accumulated leaving nothing for your kids.
Something many even here may not know, is that the American middle class is the largest depository of wealth in the world. Ive seen numbers near 50 TRILLION dollars. They want it and this is one way they take it.