posted ago by RiotPat ago by RiotPat +53 / -0

I just wanted to take a moment and unload my never before expressed bewilderment and confusion and enthusiasm for the fact that it feels like i have a president now.

I am a long time Ron Paul activist, delegate, did what i could to work his plan of overtaking the GOP at th local, committee level.

It was fun and i made good and lifelong friends and have a good citizen network for it but I never got to feel any kind of victory or reward; all our candidates always lost or were railroaded into oblivion, i brushed up against the NJ Norcross machine, saw a state Senate candidate's penis while managing a young woman's campaign and all (story for another thread: the corrupt, repulsive, sick bastards) but I'd competely given up on America and the electorate.

Trump changed that for me. I instinctively and from information jiust dismissrd Bush and Obama as obvious ruling class stooges arrayed against me and thought it could never change.

Now tho, the Don! I HAVE A PRESIDENT! It's a strange sensation. I understand why the rabble feels so good having one.

Sorry for the stream of consciousness meandering but it's just so odd to a jaded pothead millennial who watched Corbett and Infowars like 13 years before it was cool.