We all know jumping straight into research without context is difficult, especially since some people here have been researching for years.
Hopefully this thread can be used to get people up to speed and get those questions answered by our more knowledgeable users.
Im sorry, but your feathers seemed to be ruffled. Im going to allow a pass on your attitude this go around, but I will warn you that I myself, have a low tolerance for disrepect such as yours. If you do not like something, pass it up. Leave it to the mods to handle. Some pieces that you think are "so far fetched" have been given breadcrumbs and critiquing data directly from mods on how to make it better and how to lean towards keeping the story accurate and credible. Q himself said that we are NOT alone in the universe, so please, Mr Infinite Wise One, either stop lashing out at people for speaking of things that YOU cant understand, or grab that zipper on the edge of your lips and keep your mouth shut. Because I can promise you that your knowledge is a drop of water in the ocean of this community.