posted ago by wumao ago by wumao +63 / -0


I find this curious for a few reasons:

  1. All the shields they are using are shaped and cut the same. The wood must have originated from the same place.
  2. What are the odds that everyone who is getting pepper sprayed happens to have full gas masks? Seems a bit... hmm.. unlikely, even for Antifa.
  3. Pushing.. it's only pushing that they are doing. Compare this to the violence we saw in 2016 where people were getting stomped, punched, hit, etc.
  4. There has been a suspicious increase in Q coverage over the past few days. The signs they make "save our children" and crap are not what Proud Boys do. That is NOT Proud Boy messaging. They are attempting to draw a parallel between "Q followers" and "Proud Boys"

Other Notes:

  • Look at the "BLACK LIVES MATTER" sign conveniently located right in between the action on the far side of the camera. It is clear from the imagery that this is being framed as a "trump train 2020" "save the children" group vs BLM (and not Antifa) group. They are now drawing a correlation between Q and the Proud Boys. Since when do Proud Boys use these slogans?

Edit look at this fake as fuck scene https://twitter.com/i/status/1297287073737711616