posted ago by TC166 ago by TC166 +59 / -0

Hello Everyone, Recently you've all read President Trumps tweet regarding "See you on the Fields of Battle" and then there was a video included. Nobody really knew why Trump would say it like that, and neither did I, so I start doing some googling. At first, I was looking for a place called Battle, and I kept getting video game ads for this game called Roblox that I just kept bypassing, then I saw the image. It was the title of the game Roblox: Fields of Battle. Hmmm, thats odd, the exact same wordage that doesn't really make sense. But wait, this is a little kids game. WAIT, THIS IS A LITTLE KIDS GAME.... I, myself have nephews that play this game. My friends have children that play this game.

So, I did a general search for Roblox Innappropriate and hit enter. My page was filled with youtube videos on how to access the sex rooms in Roblox. Guides, videos, specific rooms you can visit, it was all there, anyone could find it. I clicked on a few videos because its all cartoon, and I literally almost threw up. It was FULL BODY ANATOMY, and fully customizable. You can even become a transexual!! This is a children's game, none of this should be there... Then I saw the bubbles above the heads, You can live chat with players, say anything you want to any player. Imagine what can be heard if you wore headsets and played the game. There were characters everywhere having sex in every position imaginable. There were people having sex with animals, people saying nasty things. THIS IS A CHILDRENS VIDEO GAME. I am not talking 14-16 year olds playing grand theft auto, this is a game for your 3-8 year olds....

Please, Just watch this youtube video. I beg you, this is something that has weighed heavy on my heart the last day or so. HEAVY. I spoke with the people who I knew had kids that played this game, showed them the video and they said they would never allow their kids to touch it again.
