The Anons who quietly research the crimes of bankers and politicans are the criminals? Seems like some bribe taking human sacrificing arms salesman is trying to use the color of law to inhibbit our quiet research. You can take down 1 patsy but you won't stop our relentless research into your crimes and treason. Remember, you took an oath to the constitution.
ONE freakin' FBI FIELD OFFICE released their finding- which cites SNOPES and Yahoo as sources.
SS: The resolution today is based on a lie, a circular-citation ring and no one is yet able to find any official government corroboration of this.
Further information here.
The Anons who quietly research the crimes of bankers and politicans are the criminals? Seems like some bribe taking human sacrificing arms salesman is trying to use the color of law to inhibbit our quiet research. You can take down 1 patsy but you won't stop our relentless research into your crimes and treason. Remember, you took an oath to the constitution.
Can't find it now,but wasn't there someone significant's wife/Sister working at that field office.
There was a deep state connection I recall, but am drawing a blank on names.
Anyone remember and able to clue me in?