The jist appears to be Adm. Rogers is Swampy not Swamp Swampy but not necessarily a patriot. Flynn is the real ace in the hole. Barr and Durham are taking things nice and slow to follow up on every lead. Sessions is an idiot and more declass coming.
Also with the magic solution to all the problems being winning the election. Ignoring that many of them won’t truly be solved by just winning the election.
I would add that there are a lot of typos throughout. Also, other details are somewhat off, like "NYC-USAO". Although there are US Attorney's Offices in NYC, they're never abbreviated that way. Everybody discussing such things usuall talks about "SDNY" OR SOUTHERN DISTRICT NEW YORK.
LAWRENCE W. DOYLE AND JOHN F. MOYNIHAN do appear to be interesting people who I don't recall looking into before. This document listed by the anon doesn't look too interesting. Some dispute with the IRS over whether or not they deserve compensation for reporting a violation of 501 (c) (3)
Looking over it again. I missed the part about Snowden.
Snowden. Worked for the CIA. Left the CIA for a contractor job with the NSA. Gets an attack of conscious. Leaks info that solely screws over the NSA.
Seems like the classic whistleblower story. But it leaves out. Most of the intel agencies hate each other and jockey for power. Also go out of their way to screw each other over. Coincidentally a former CIA employee leaks info that exclusively fucks over the CIAs number one competition.
Seems mighty convenient. A bit too convenient if Im being honest.
Do you dudes know what one of the Anon was refering to when he mentioned China carried out a DEW attack? Im not familiar with the term?
Edit: nevermind sorry, i just put it together.
Looks like another surprisingly detailed LARP.
The jist appears to be Adm. Rogers is Swampy not Swamp Swampy but not necessarily a patriot. Flynn is the real ace in the hole. Barr and Durham are taking things nice and slow to follow up on every lead. Sessions is an idiot and more declass coming.
Also with the magic solution to all the problems being winning the election. Ignoring that many of them won’t truly be solved by just winning the election.
And he somehow fucked up typing Tom Clancy
Am I reading this right?
Yes. This is an accurate TLDR;
I would add that there are a lot of typos throughout. Also, other details are somewhat off, like "NYC-USAO". Although there are US Attorney's Offices in NYC, they're never abbreviated that way. Everybody discussing such things usuall talks about "SDNY" OR SOUTHERN DISTRICT NEW YORK.
However, the link mentioned does work:
LAWRENCE W. DOYLE AND JOHN F. MOYNIHAN do appear to be interesting people who I don't recall looking into before. This document listed by the anon doesn't look too interesting. Some dispute with the IRS over whether or not they deserve compensation for reporting a violation of 501 (c) (3)
this might be interesting though:
Looking over it again. I missed the part about Snowden.
Snowden. Worked for the CIA. Left the CIA for a contractor job with the NSA. Gets an attack of conscious. Leaks info that solely screws over the NSA.
Seems like the classic whistleblower story. But it leaves out. Most of the intel agencies hate each other and jockey for power. Also go out of their way to screw each other over. Coincidentally a former CIA employee leaks info that exclusively fucks over the CIAs number one competition.
Seems mighty convenient. A bit too convenient if Im being honest.
Yeah, I don't know what to make of Snowden. Everything about him is weird.
Do you dudes know what one of the Anon was refering to when he mentioned China carried out a DEW attack? Im not familiar with the term? Edit: nevermind sorry, i just put it together.