i get your point.
but heres what we are up against...
i get your point.
but heres what we are up against...
these vaccine people are in a cult. thats the best way i can describe it.
they aren't logical, reasonable, or able to be dissuaded in any way.
they are like zombies.
in their minds, all of your questions, have pro-vaccine answers.
all of your vaccine concerns, are highly over-blown, and disproportionate to the "actual" threat of COVID.
anything that you "think" is bad about vaccines, is because you were exposed to anti-vaccine misinformation.
because anti-vaccine misinformation is a threat to public health, it should be censored off of the internet.
people who don't take vaccines are anti-science,
and they also hate women and black people,
according to Justin Trudeau
it literally doesn't matter WHAT argument you put up, they have a flow-chart of scripted-answers.
us: vaccines cause SIDS
them: studies show vaccines PREVENT sids. thats why you should vaccinate your kids.
us: vaccines cause autism
them: nope, Wakefield
us: CDC whistleblower
them: hes anti-vaccine
us: VAERS!
them: anyone can troll
us: breakthru COVID!
them: thank God for vaccines, because it SURELY would have been much worse!
us: menstrual cycle / periods all jacked up!
them: selection bias among women responsible enough to get vaccinated
us: blood clots!
them: we shall call them RARE!
us: soccer players dropping like flies!
them: it was a hot day!
us: kids getting heart attacks and strokes!
them: yeah i saw that on the side of a bus!
us: these nurses worked the entire time, exposing themselves to COVID+ people every day, before the COVID vaccine was even available!
them: these nurses are science deniers
us: this OSHA vaccine mandate is bullshit!
them: the SCOTUS just affirmed that all 9 justices are fully vaccinated, and boosted, the same week they hear the OSHA mandate challenge