The real significance of the Great Awakening has not been understood by most of us.
The Great Awakening is in fact the fruit and physical manifestation of something far, far more profound.
For all of human history, evil, aka the Devil, Satan, has been in the top position. Since the fall of humankind, described in the Adam and Eve story, Evil has held the sovereignty over humanity and the world.
God was always working in hostile territory. Look at what was involved in just establishing ONE nation that would be obedient to him (The israelites), out of all the existing nations in the world. When Israel failed, Jesus had to die, and the sovereignty was returned to God in spirit ONLY. The world has remained under Satan's sovereignty even after the Cross (because Jesus had to give his body up to Satan as a ransom, but that's another longer story, but it's also why the Second Coming of Christ is necessary).
But unbeknownst to most of the human race, in the last 100 years, God has laid the foundation through his instruments to finally claim sovereignty over the world. Satan was "the god of this world" but this is no longer the case. The satanic force is no longer on the Top, but God's force has risen to the top in the physical world, finally reflecting the sovereignty in the spiritual world. Evil is now at the bottom, underneath.
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This is the truth why God could now raise DJT and a movement worldwide, which, coincidentally, is unfolding hand in hand with a revival of faith and relationship with God the world has not seen before. This is why DJT will be a greater president than any president in US history. The Great Awakening is not just a 20th century phenomena. It's a historical & biblical phenomena.
So, whereas in thousands and thousands (and however long is) human history, Satan had the upper hand, now, God has the upper hand, not only in the spirit but also on the Earth. This is all because of the Second Coming.
So, the point is, regardless of what remnants of Satan's damage remains, and regardless of how long the cleanup will take, the point is, Satan will NEVER EVER be in a position to rule over humanity again, and those who are under his sway will increasingly diminish.
It will take time, work and much effort. We'll not just be cleaning up or rebuilding. We will be building something humanity has never experienced before. So while the cancer in the institutions may linger, sadly, these institutions will become less and less relevant. Just like the Mainstream Media, which has corrupted into a propaganda machine, is becoming less and less relevant to our lives, just like Hollywood, which has been a powerhouse of Satanic influences, has diminished in influence, ANY institution that adheres to Satanic trends and ways will diminish.
(Not a direct answer to your concerns and fears, but more of a big picture response)
Satan's world has flourished for thousands and thousands of years, In the midst of that, God raised first israel, and when Israel failed, God raised Christianity, and created his beachhead in the world. His champion, raised, is the United States. From now on, since the 2000s, God's world will flourish, and Satan's world will collapse, and all Satanic things will diminish.
The End Times scripture tells us about (mostly in symbols) is actually the End of Satan's world, not a cataclysmic destruction of the Earth. God created the Earth, and the Earth is not evil or sinful.
So, while there will be lots of work and effort for us to do, in approaching years, things have irreversibly changed in a way that most humanity does not realize, and will only realize long after the change (took) place.
The real significance of the Great Awakening has not been understood by most of us.
The Great Awakening is in fact the fruit and physical manifestation of something far, far more profound.
For all of human history, evil, aka the Devil, Satan, has been in the top position. Since the fall of humankind, described in the Adam and Eve story, Evil has held the sovereignty over humanity and the world.
God was always working in hostile territory. Look at what was involved in just establishing ONE nation that would be obedient to him (The israelites), out of all the existing nations in the world. When Israel failed, Jesus had to die, and the sovereignty was returned to God in spirit ONLY. The world has remained under Satan's sovereignty even after the Cross (because Jesus had to give his body up to Satan as a ransom, but that's another longer story, but it's also why the Second Coming of Christ is necessary).
But unbeknownst to most of the human race, in the last 100 years, God has laid the foundation through his instruments to finally claim sovereignty over the world. Satan was "the god of this world" but this is no longer the case. The satanic force is no longer on the Top, but God's force has risen to the top in the physical world, finally reflecting the sovereignty in the spiritual world. Evil is now at the bottom, underneath.
This is the truth why God could now raise DJT and a movement worldwide, which, coincidentally, is unfolding hand in hand with a revival of faith and relationship with God the world has not seen before. This is why DJT will be a greater president than any president in US history. The Great Awakening is not just a 20th century phenomena. It's a historical & biblical phenomena.
So, whereas in thousands and thousands (and however long is) human history, Satan had the upper hand, now, God has the upper hand, not only in the spirit but also on the Earth. This is all because of the Second Coming.
So, the point is, regardless of what remnants of Satan's damage remains, and regardless of how long the cleanup will take, the point is, Satan will NEVER EVER be in a position to rule over humanity again, and those who are under his sway will increasingly diminish.
It will take time, work and much effort. We'll not just be cleaning up or rebuilding. We will be building something humanity has never experienced before. So while the cancer in the institutions may linger, sadly, these institutions will become less and less relevant. Just like the Mainstream Media, which has corrupted into a propaganda machine, is becoming less and less relevant to our lives, just like Hollywood, which has been a powerhouse of Satanic influences, has diminished in influence, ANY institution that adheres to Satanic trends and ways will diminish.
(Not a direct answer to your concerns and fears, but more of a big picture response)
Satan's world has flourished for thousands and thousands of years, In the midst of that, God raised first israel, and when Israel failed, God raised Christianity, and created his beachhead in the world. His champion, raised, is the United States. From now on, since the 2000s, God's world will flourish, and Satan's world will collapse, and all Satanic things will diminish.
The End Times scripture tells us about (mostly in symbols) is actually the End of Satan's world, not a cataclysmic destruction of the Earth. God created the Earth, and the Earth is not evil or sinful.
So, while there will be lots of work and effort for us to do, in approaching years, things have irreversibly changed in a way that most humanity does not realize, and will only realize long after the change (took) place.
The real significance of the Great Awakening has not been understood by most of us.
The Great Awakening is in fact the fruit and physical manifestation of something far, far more profound.
For all of human history, evil, aka the Devil, Satan, has been in the top position. Since the fall of humankind, described in the Adam and Eve story, Evil has held the sovereignty over humanity and the world.
God was always working in hostile territory. Look at what was involved in just establishing ONE nation that would be obedient to him (The israelites), out of all the existing nations in the world. When Israel failed, Jesus had to die, and the sovereignty was returned to God in spirit ONLY. The world has remained under Satan's sovereignty even after the Cross (because Jesus had to give his body up to Satan as a ransom, but that's another longer story, but it's also why the Second Coming of Christ is necessary).
But unbeknownst to most of the human race, in the last 100 years, God has laid the foundation through his instruments to finally claim sovereignty over the world. Satan was "the god of this world" but this is no longer the case. The satanic force is no longer on the Top, but God's force has risen to the top in the physical world, finally reflecting the sovereignty in the spiritual world. Evil is now at the bottom, underneath.
This is the truth why God could now raise DJT and a movement worldwide, which, coincidentally, is unfolding hand in hand with a revival of faith and relationship with God the world has not seen before. This is why DJT will be a greater president than any president in US history. The Great Awakening is not just a 20th century phenomena. It's a historical & biblical phenomena.
So, whereas in thousands and thousands (and however long is) human history, Satan had the upper hand, now, God has the upper hand, not only in the spirit but also on the Earth. This is all because of the Second Coming.
So, the point is, regardless of what remnants of Satan's damage remains, and regardless of how long the cleanup will take, the point is, Satan will NEVER EVER be in a position to rule over humanity again, and those who are under his sway will increasingly diminish.
It will take time, work and much effort. We'll not just be cleaning up or rebuilding. We will be building something humanity has never experienced before. So while the cancer in the institutions may linger, sadly, these institutions will become less and less relevant. Just like the Mainstream Media, which has corrupted into a propaganda machine, is becoming less and less relevant to our lives, just like Hollywood, which has been a powerhouse of Satanic influences, has diminished in influence, ANY institution that adheres to Satanic trends and ways will diminish.
(Not a direct answer to your concerns and fears, but more of a big picture response)
Satan's world has flourished for thousands and thousands of years, In the midst of that, God raised first israel, and when Israel failed, God raised Christianity, and created his beachhead in the world. His champion, raised, is the United States. From now on, since the 2000s, God's world will flourish, and Satan's world will collapse, and all Satanic things will diminish.
The End Times scripture tells us about (mostly in symbols) is actually the End of Satan's world, not a cataclysmic destruction of the Earth. God created the Earth, and the Earth is not evil or sinful.
So, while there will be lots of work and effort for us to do, in approaching years, things have irreversibly changed in a way that most humanity does not realize, and will only realize long after the change (took) place.
The real significance of the Great Awakening has not been understood by most of us.
The Great Awakening is in fact the fruit and physical manifestation of something far, far more profound.
For all of human history, evil, aka the Devil, Satan, has been in the top position. Since the fall of humankind, described in the Adam and Eve story, Evil has held the sovereignty over humanity and the world.
God was always working in hostile territory. Look at what was involved in just establishing ONE nation that would be obedient to him (The israelites), out of all the existing nations in the world. When Israel failed, Jesus had to die, and the sovereignty was returned to God in spirit ONLY. The world has remained under Satan's sovereignty even after the Cross (because Jesus had to give his body up to Satan as a ransom, but that's another longer story, but it's also why the Second Coming of Christ is necessary).
But unbeknownst to most of the human race, in the last 100 years, God has laid the foundation through his instruments to finally claim sovereignty over the world. Satan was "the god of this world" but this is no longer the case. The satanic force is no longer on the Top, but God's force has risen to the top in the physical world, finally reflecting the sovereignty in the spiritual world. Evil is now at the bottom, underneath.
This is the truth why God could now raise DJT and a movement worldwide, which, coincidentally, is unfolding hand in hand with a revival of faith and relationship with God the world has not seen before.
So, whereas in thousands and thousands (and however long is) human history, Satan had the upper hand, now, God has the upper hand, not only in the spirit but also on the Earth. This is all because of the Second Coming.
So, the point is, regardless of what remnants of Satan's damage remains, and regardless of how long the cleanup will take, the point is, Satan will NEVER EVER be in a position to rule over humanity again, and those who are under his sway will increasingly diminish.
It will take time, work and much effort. We'll not just be cleaning up or rebuilding. We will be building something humanity has never experienced before. So while the cancer in the institutions may linger, sadly, these institutions will become less and less relevant. Just like the Mainstream Media, which has corrupted into a propaganda machine, is becoming less and less relevant to our lives, just like Hollywood, which has been a powerhouse of Satanic influences, has diminished in influence, ANY institution that adheres to Satanic trends and ways will diminish.
(Not a direct answer to your concerns and fears, but more of a big picture response)
Satan's world has flourished for thousands and thousands of years, In the midst of that, God raised first israel, and when Israel failed, God raised Christianity, and created his beachhead in the world. His champion, raised, is the United States. From now on, since the 2000s, God's world will flourish, and Satan's world will collapse, and all Satanic things will diminish.
The End Times scripture tells us about (mostly in symbols) is actually the End of Satan's world, not a cataclysmic destruction of the Earth. God created the Earth, and the Earth is not evil or sinful.
So, while there will be lots of work and effort for us to do, in approaching years, things have irreversibly changed in a way that most humanity does not realize, and will only realize long after the change (took) place.