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Truth Social + Astrology = Truthology

Link at end is original comment base lining the Truth Social (TS) subscribers htpps:// admin has chosen to populate the menus TRUST selection option.

The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q which populates under the Others option in the TRUST menu option.

TO prefix = Trust Others.

TT prefix = Trust Trump.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. On 03/30 the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03/30/22 ...

TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by +1... (able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. The curtain pulled back on who is inner inner circle prior to TS going public.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) the TT1 DJT first drop... Q drop TO44 (1st to repost TT1), Liz Harrington drop TO330 (first post, second to repost TT1) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post, 3rd and last repost of TT1). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration of Truthology...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Truthology

Link at end is original comment base lining the Truth Social (TS) subscribers htpps:// admin has chosen to populate the menus TRUST selection option.

The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q which populates under the Others option in the TRUST menu option.

TO prefix = Trust Others.

TT prefix = Trust Trump.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. On 03/30 the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03/30/22 ...

TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by +1... (able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. The curtain pulled back on who is inner inner circle prior to TS going public.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) the TT1 DJT first drop... Q drop TO44 (1st to repost TT1), Liz Harrington drop TO330 (first post, second to repost TT1) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post, 3rd and last repost of TT1). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration of Truthology...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is original comment base lining the Truth Social (TS) subscribers htpps:// admin has chosen to populate the menus TRUST selection option.

The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q which populates under the Others option in the TRUST menu option.

TO prefix = Trust Others.

TT prefix = Trust Trump.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. On 03/30 the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03/30/22 ...

TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by +1... (able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. The curtain pulled back on who is inner inner circle prior to TS going public.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) the TT1 DJT first drop... Q drop TO44 (1st to repost TT1), Liz Harrington drop TO330 (first post, second to repost TT1) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post, 3rd and last repost of TT1). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration of Truthology...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is original comment base lining the Truth Social (TS) subscribers htpps:// admin has chosen to populate the menus TRUST selection option.

The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q which populates under the Others option in the TRUST menu option.

TO prefix = Trust Others.

TT prefix = Trust Trump.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. On 03/30 the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03/30/22 ...

TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by +1... (able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. The curtain pulled back on who is inner inner circle prior to TS going public.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) the TT1 DJT first drop... Q drop TO44 (1st to repost TT1), Liz Harrington drop TO330 (first post, second to repost TT1) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post, 3rd and last repost of TT1). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. On 03/30 the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03/30/22 ...

TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by +1... (able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. The curtain pulled back on who is inner inner circle prior to TS going public.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) the TT1 DJT first drop... Q drop TO44 (1st to repost TT1), Liz Harrington drop TO330 (first post, second to repost TT1) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post, 3rd and last repost of TT1). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. On 03/30 the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03.30/22 ...

TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by +1... (able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. The curtain pulled back on who is inner inner circle prior to TS going public.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) the TT1 DJT first drop... Q drop TO44 (1st to repost TT1), Liz Harrington drop TO330 (first post, second to repost TT1) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post, 3rd and last repost of TT1). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. It affected the chronological numbering of all posts after.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them on 03/17/2022.

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on with Harrington/s, Grennell's, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and caused any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS by TO number to be either pointless or unretrievable for review, since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter (times are different) .... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is a menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or that all TS drops appear to show up in the Twitter board, or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" that Eric and Don Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board.

Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22 as well... more or less. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. However, on 03/30 when the Truth Social / @truthsocial account began posting the tech updates.

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03.30/22 ... TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46, a new drop, was inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by one... able to determine the new addition on this date when all number shifted on my chron chart on 03/30/2022). (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: again, this was the date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below TO3070 is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. Indicated prior to going public a more restricted round of Beta testing occured since Nunes brings forward a TBB post from before the qagg begins listing the posts.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) TT1 DJT first drop... Q TO44, Liz Harrington TO330 (first post) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them...

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on qagg with Harrington/s, Grennell, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS to be either pointless or unretrievable for review since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter.... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" or Eric and Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board. Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. However, on 03/30 when the Truth Social / @truthsocial account posted, this was the profile of how it was posted on

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03.30/22 ... TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46 inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by one...) (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: on this date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, TO3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, TO3028Q, 29, 30, TO3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. Indicated prior to going public a more restricted round of Beta testing occured since Nunes brings forward a TBB post from before the qagg begins listing the posts.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) TT1 DJT first drop... Q TO44, Liz Harrington TO330 (first post) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them...

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on qagg with Harrington/s, Grennell, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS to be either pointless or unretrievable for review since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter.... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" or Eric and Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board. Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. However, on 03/30 when the Truth Social / @truthsocial account posted, this was the profile of how it was posted on

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03.30/22 ... TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46 inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by one...) (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: on this date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, 3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
TO3027 Truth Social, 3028Q, 29, 30, 3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. Indicated prior to going public a more restricted round of Beta testing occured since Nunes brings forward a TBB post from before the qagg begins listing the posts.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) TT1 DJT first drop... Q TO44, Liz Harrington TO330 (first post) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them...

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on qagg with Harrington/s, Grennell, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS to be either pointless or unretrievable for review since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter.... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" or Eric and Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board. Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. However, on 03/30 when the Truth Social / @truthsocial account posted, this was the profile of how it was posted on

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03.30/22 ... TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46 inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by one...) (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct.

However, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: on this date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected.

However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, 3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 3027 Truth Social, 3028Q, 29, 30, 3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. Indicated prior to going public a more restricted round of Beta testing occured since Nunes brings forward a TBB post from before the qagg begins listing the posts.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) TT1 DJT first drop... Q TO44, Liz Harrington TO330 (first post) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation.

Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason.

Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them...

This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on qagg with Harrington/s, Grennell, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS to be either pointless or unretrievable for review since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter.... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" or Eric and Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board. Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. However, on 03/30 when the Truth Social / @truthsocial account posted, this was the profile of how it was posted on

There were five Truth Social / @truthsocial drops on 03.30/22 ... TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46 inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by one...) (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct... however, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: on this date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected. However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, 3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 3027 Truth Social, 3028Q, 29, 30, 3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. Indicated prior to going public a more restricted round of Beta testing occured since Nunes brings forward a TBB post from before the qagg begins listing the posts.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) TT1 DJT first drop... Q TO44, Liz Harrington TO330 (first post) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

Truth Social + Astrology = Trustology

Link at end is baseline listing of Truth Social (TS) subscribers that admin at htpps:// is populating its site with. The 8kun / old Q posts remain accessible on the site, as well as TSQ / new Q.

Updated listing

List by TO# / chronological post serial #:
Date is date in the body of the TO drop

02/11 TO1 ......Devin Nunes
02/11 TO2 ......Q
02/14 TT1 ......Donald J Trump (between TO41 & TO42)
02/17 TO205 ..Melania Trump
02/18 TO243 ..Dan Scavino
02/19 TO330 ..Liz Harrington
02/20 TO455 ..Richard Grenell
02/20 TO508.. Kash Patel
02/22 TO666 ..Donlad Trump Jr.
03/01 TO1068 Truth Social (TS Admin)
03/05 TO1322 Michael T Flynn
03/15 TO2033 il Donaldo Trumpo
03/30 TO3019 Eric Trump
03/30 TO3027 Truth Social (TS Admin)

However, this is not the order in which the posts were introduced to the board. That listing, by date, populating the site below. In some instances back filling the drop into the existing listing changed the chronological serial numbers of the listings up to that date.

True Drop Date Subscriber.............. TO#...... Date In Drop

02/11................ Devin Nunes ..........TO1........02/11
02/11................ Q ............................TO4........02/11
02/14 ................Donald J Trump .....TT1.........02/14
02/18 ................Dan Scavino ..........TO243....02/18
02/20 ................Liz Harrington ........TO330....02/19
02/20 ................Rick Grenell ...........TO455....02/20
02/20 ................Kash Patel .............TO508....02/20
03/07 ................Melania Trump .......TO205....02/17
03/07 ................Donald Trump Jr. ...TO666....02/22
03/07 ................Michael T Flynn .....TO132....03/05
03/15 Donaldo Trumpo .TO2033..03/15
03/30 ................Eric Trump..............TO3019..03/30
03/30 ................Truth Social............TO1068..03/01

Note Donald Trump has assigned a unique prefix to Donald Trump drops TT. To date Donald Trump TS account has posted only one drop... TT1 on 02/14/2022. More about this at end of comment.

At this point anomalies are too numerous to list... if that sort of thing interests you, you will dissect the data above, find them... and come to same conclusions and be left with the same questions I have.

What is going on? Are the anomalies just sloppy administration or is their some method that is indicative of some messaging going on.

For instance... the admin banner message on the board on 03/30/22 stating that Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump were now on the board... and informing that some renumbering of posts would be a result... was misinfomation or disinformation. Donald Trump Jr first post TO666 was back filled, or inserted into the message stream on 03/07/2022. It was forced into the number sequencing and assigned the one-up number of 666 for some unknown reason. Melania Trump's TS posts were also backfilled... Nunes and Grennel were commenting on her posts between the time she started posting 03/07/22 and admin populated with them... This procedure, as with the introduction and back filling the listing on qagg with Harrington/s, Grennell, Patel's and Flynn's posts on different dates, each time caused the TO numbers to shift... and any posts and comments on this board that linked or referenced a drop on TS to be either pointless or unretrievable for review since any TS drop linked now linked to some random newly assigned TO number, not the TO originally referenced.

The only exception to this was the introduction of il Donaldo Trumpo TS drops that now, for the most part, are also parallel posted to Twitter.... when Twitter fails il Donaldo Trumpo messaging will continue seamlessly on TS. There is menu option which will integrate current il Donaldo Trumpo tweets (just like before Trump was banned on Twitter) to the TS board... if selected (not recommended) you will see that not all iDT tweets populate the qagg board... or didn't last time I checked this.

Another of the more strange anomalies occurred on 03/30/22, when the "notice" or Eric and Jr. TS drops were now on the qagg board. Truth Social @truthsocial is the shared account used by TS admin and started posting on 3/30/22. Prior to the introduction of this shared subscriber account the admins were posting update notifications and general information using their personal subscriber accounts. However, on 03/30 when the Truth Social / @truthsocial account posted, this was the profile of how it was posted on

There were five drops on 03.30/22 ... TO1068, TO3027, TO3030, TO3034, TO3038...

First anomaly - TO1068 03/01/2022 16:55:46 inserted (causing all following TO serial numbers to change by one...) (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1068.

Second anomaly - TO3034 03/05/2022 21:19:58 is assigned serial number 3034 (ascension date 03/30/31) but is inserted by its Date Time Group (DTG) between TO1339 and TO1340. There is no way to know if the TO number is correct or the DTG is correct... however, the effect of inserting this drop so far back in the chronological order and not change its TO number was not to bump the chronological one-up serial number of all following drops... which was a good thing. (Sort Order set forward (not reverse) to pull correct page / TRUTH only input populating the board) scroll down to TO1339, TO3034, TO1340 sequence

Third and Forth anomalies are similar in that they are peripheral to anomalies in the numbering near in TO serial number and DTG as follows:

on 03/30/2022: (if TO# not full, assume 3000 series)

Note: on this date admin posted notice that Eric and Donald Trump Jr. posts were being ascended to the board and some changes to TO numbering would be effected. However, as noted in tables above... a Donald Trump Jr. drop, TO666 dated 02/17/2022 was ascended to the board on 03/07/2022, the same day that Melania Trump and Michael Flynn drops were added the board. So, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. drop below is not his first drop, regardless of notification by TS admin.

TO3005 il Donaldo Trumpo, 06, 07, 08,09, 10, 3011Q, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
TO3048 Truth Social, 17, 18, TO3019 Eric Trump (1st), 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 3027 Truth Social, 3028Q, 29, 30, 3049Q, 50, 51, 52, 56, 57, 54, 58, 55, 59, 60. 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 65, 67, 68, 69, TO3070 Donald Trump Jr. (not 1st), 72,

TO number is chronologically correct until:

on 03/31/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3100 series)

TO3121, 22, 24, 23, 25, 28, 29, 26, 27, 30...

TO3185, 86, 87, 89, 88, 90, 91

on 04/01/2022 (if TO# not full, assume 3200 series)

TO3223, 24, TO3226 il Donaldo Trumpo, 25, 27...

The Five Red Waves of the Apocalypse

TO243 ..02/18/2022 02:04:23 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino first drop on Truth Social

TO2254 03/18/2022 02:02:03 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2269 03/18/2022 04:40:31 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO2273 03/18/2022 06:34:57 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

TO3107 03/31/2022 10:21:40 (Zulu) / Dan Scavino

adding this to the list

TO3226 04/01/2022 00:49:29 (Zulu) / il Donaldo Trumpo


Interesting factoids...

TO03 Nunes has a The Babylon Bee post dated 02/09 (Z/UTC TZ) or 02/10 (ET TZ) depending on time zone selected. Indicated prior to going public a more restricted round of Beta testing occured since Nunes brings forward a TBB post from before the qagg begins listing the posts.

Only three of the above TS subscribers retruthed (reposted) TT1 DJT first drop... Q TO44, Liz Harrington TO330 (first post) and Richard Grenell TO459 (fifth post). Make of that what you will.

TT1 Donald J Trump is not the first instance of Trump dropping one message to a board and then not posting another drop... for a long time (if ever). See...

Link to first iteration TS drop mapping...

u/Likeitirish u/Datasinc u/solarsavior

2 years ago
1 score