What a dishonest response from a self righteous ass.
You might want to think about whether needlessly bringing up Biden and Dems and wasting my time debating that point reflects well on your intellectual honestly
YOU wasted your time. I didn't force you to respond. It was as "needless" as you trying to get the last word in.
This isn't your board hoss. People can share ideas and float theories all they want.
You broke the Cardinal rule of debating: No matter how much you disagree with someone, never misrepresent their position.
Something you did repeatedly during this discussion.
Go suck an 🥚
I'll repeat:
The basis for my belief that civilians have indeed been killed is:
Seeing hundreds of missiles falling with my own eyes.
Many of those missiles seeming in large part nothing remotely resembling a surgical strike.
Acknowledging that even with the finest precision strikes we are talking about many targets that share up to 3 walls with civilians.
The odds that there are zero civilian casualties are very small.
That's is. That's the underlying belief for my original assertion. That's beyond reasonable which then grants me the second assertion that Israel is lying about these numbers..... for some reason.
The odds Israel is lying is greater than the odds No civilians have been killed
Looking at the videos I don't think this could be strategic bombardment SO PRECISE THAT NO CIVILIANS WERE KILLED.
Could this be a combination of random bombardment and precision strikes? Absolutely.
Could these all be precision strikes? Possibly but doubtful in my opinion.
Either way, there would almost certainly be civilian casualties.
That's it. That's my position. If you have any questions look at it again because you skipped over The contents of it apparently to make the comment I'm replying to.
I don't care about the rest of it. The rest was just speculation. But I'll be damned if I'm going to give an inch in this REASONABLE position people died in these strikes.
Why would Israel lie about it? I don't know. I've got 911 questions that I'd love for them to answer honestly.
I'll end with a simple rhetorical question (I'm done here. This is my last reply)
If they were looking for sympathy and help and they thought civilian casualties would help them achieve that goal why haven't they said hundreds+ of women and children were killed? They don't need casualties they just need to say they have casualties.
Good night
while you settle on the simplest explanation without context
Misrepresentation. Disagree with me all you like but don't straw-man my ass in the process.
I literally JUST reiterated what my assertion was..... which you ignore to make your response fit. My possible explanations were all speculation..... which I freely admitted.
Calling a viewpoint "myopic" is addressing your assertions, not you. Yours however was a ad hominem directed at my person, not my position.
I can't continue with someone that is willing to be intellectually dishonest and misrepresent myself and my position.
I frequently enjoy reading your analysis and posts but this conversation has lost its ability to be productive since one of us has their position no longer being drawn to scale by the other making further exchanges pointless.
Good day
The basis for my belief that civilians have indeed been killed is:
Seeing hundreds of missiles falling with my own eyes.
Many of those missiles seeming in large part nothing remotely resembling a surgical strike.
Acknowledging that even with the finest precision strikes we are talking about many targets that share up to 3 walls with civilians.
The odds that there are zero civilian casualties are very small.
That's is. That's the underlying belief for my original assertion. That's beyond reasonable which then grants me the second assertion that Israel is lying about these numbers..... for some reason.
The odds Israel is lying is greater than the odds No civilians have been killed.
The rest is speculation and I'll bow out of it at this point lest I be told "I'm beyond help" again.
To imply that trying to guess what's happening during the fog of war makes potentially irredeemable in some way is just frankly kind of a dick thing to insinuate.
Have a good one hoss.
I stopped using Occam's razor once I found Q, because according to occam's razor there is no grand conspiracy in this world
Category error and logical fallacy.
Just because we've stumbled on to something that seemed far-fetched to most people that didn't share our level of pattern recognition, doesn't mean we should set aside basic logical processes. In fact Q teaches us to "think logically"
Occam's razor is a principle that suggests the simplest explanation is usually the best one when faced with multiple competing explanations.
We can actually use it to proof Q. So if you set it aside you've actually lost a good deal of your Q proofs and you're left with coincidences.
how do you explain all of Israeli actions, starting from allowing the Oct 7th to happen, to bold escalation against Gaza, Hamas, Lebenon, Iran etc?
I don't know. And you don't know either. All we can do is speculate. There could have been a major attack coming that they got windows and they needed to preemptively attack in order to disrupt it. It could be countless other reasons. We don't know and we can't simply look at it from this very narrow position and especially with such a myopic view.
But which countries have sent troops over there to fight alongside them exactly? Has world War 3 started yet? No.
"No one is coming to help them right now. Biden and the Dems aren't gonna get into a war right before the election."
Is that really the case?
So far... Yes that is EXACTLY the case. If that changes I reserve the right to change my position But for now that's exactly where we're at.
I think we can both agree that Israel is a bad actor. Why is it such a stretch to think that they might be lying about civilians being killed? Again I think it's far more likely that those hundreds and hundreds of missile strikes, as precise as they could possibly be aimed, killed some civilians than it's likely that they did not. This is Urban warfare, not widespread isolated targets. Precision only works so well when you share three walls with civilians.
I have heard: "Iran is impotent, it was too scared to retaliate" "Iran is evil, they just destroyed a bunch of Jews" "Iran is incompetent, they couldnt kill a single Jew"
Okay but none of that has anything to do with what I'm saying.
Full disclosure; IDGAF about Israel, Palestine, Iran, or any other middle eastern country. I'm not an apologist for any side.
That being said ...
We just watched 15 straight minutes of missiles raining down on Jerusalem and we're supposed to believe that no civilians were killed at all? That's pretty damn miraculous. I'm going to go Occam's razor on that. Civilians were almost certainly killed and yet it's being kept quiet. The only question really is why.
They would make the max use of any civilians who died to gain the sympathy of the world. After all, the whole reason for all this is to escalate this into a full fledged WW3, so they need all the civilian casualties they can collect to be able to escalate further.
Normally I would 100% agree with you.... But.... No one is coming to help them right now. Biden and the Dems aren't gonna get into a war right before the election. Especially since ALOT of their younger base are pro Palestine & Islam. The majority of Americans don't want it's troops sent overseas to fight in wars that don't involve us. Sending over troops now would be political suicide for the Dems and they know it.
So what can Israel do? Play a good defense for starters and act like the punches that landed didn't hurt. It's a bluff to discourage further attacks. Showing death and destruction would only motivate the other side at this junction.
I trust Israel's media and government about as much as I trust ours.
I genuinely hope I'm wrong but I'm just not that optimistic based upon what I'm seeing.
We don't know there haven't been any civilian casualties really.
Sure that's what Israel is saying but it's in their best interest to. Basic art of war "Appear strong when you are weak"
Essentially project that the enemies attacks are infective in order to discourage the enemy.
I HIGHLY doubt with all those missile strikes there aren't significant civilians killed. I don't care how accurate you are. This isn't a remote lightly populated area. Collateral damage is going to be almost guaranteed in these conditions.
I'd love to be wrong but I trust my intuition and common sense more than I trust any reports coming out of Israel controlled media.
Appears to be a leaked research report on Walz. Possibly the one done before he was selected as VP candidate or more likely opposition research after.
It's really REALLY well done. Someone paid good money for This.
Table of contents. Pictures. Organized.
Ah so she's disobedient. I can't say I'm surprised.
She's on here making emotional responses to Scriptural discussions. Siding with her feelings instead of God's Word.
Sounds like you have work to do leading and shepherding your wife Jim.
Because I disagree with you theologically I must actually hate Israel and love Ukraine? Wrong on both counts.
This is the complete lack of logic that I've come to expect from old women that claim their husband agrees with them on everything.
He doesn't agree with you dear. He just doesn't want to argue with you.
Go make a casserole or something.