<The Daily Splat>
Daily Chat? What is this Daily Chat? Why can't I see the Daily Chat? Are you guys keeping things from me?
Have I been fake banned? Or real banned? Or are you just hiding posts from me, like an inverted shadow ban? Are you trying to fake shadow ban me??!!
No. I'm not paranoid. I chat. I sometimes do it daily. I daily chat, so then where is this so-called Daily Chat, huh?
I'm starting to feel disappointed. I dropped in to General Chat and found NO ONE discussing the Daily Chat thread, even after 57 minutes. Frens, do you even lift?
Disappointment abounds. HeartOfStoneII would be proud. But pride be damned!!! Where is the Daily Chat???!
Er, OK. Oops.
Er, Hi there, Gen Chat!
Addendum: Cats posted a Public Service Announcement exhorting pedes to use the "Daily Chat Live Sticky Thread" for stuff.... I have only ever seen ONE "Daily Chat", and that was a post by Polish about one year ago. :p
<The Daily Splat>
Daily Chat? What is this Daily Chat? Why can't I see the Daily Chat? Are you guys keeping things from me?
Have I been fake banned? Or real banned? Or are you just hiding posts from me, like an inverted shadow ban? Are you trying to fake shadow ban me??!!
No. I'm not paranoid. I chat. I sometimes do it daily. I daily chat, so then where is this so-called Daily Chat, huh?
I'm starting to feel disappointed. I dropped in to General Chat and found NO ONE discussing the Daily Chat thread, even after 57 minutes. Frens, do you even lift?
Disappointment abounds. HeartOfStoneII would be proud. But pride be damned!!! Where is the Daily Chat???!
Er, OK. Oops.
Er, Hi there, Gen Chat!