Who didn't see this one coming? Everybody knows Bidenomics is killing our country and high interest rates from the Federal Reserve are strangling the economy. It looks like the Federal Reserve is going to do its part to make the economy look stronger to keep the dreaded Orange Man from getting elected.



Johnson was interviewed by Hannity last night and they discussed the funding of Ukraine/Israel and such. Johnson does not intend to throw money at these countries... if he is true to his words in this interview, he is going to implement some very common sense things attached to the funding measures. One of the most important ones, in my mind, is he's not sending money we don't have by firing up the printing presses, but will rather seek budget cuts elsewhere to pay for it.

Apologies for the youtube link, but it's the best one I could find quickly. Start watching at the 16 minute mark through 19:30 or so. Hannity is nearly unbearable to listen to, but I think Johnson's remarks are very noteworthy. Let's hope he carries through on the things he says in this interview.

Link to interview:

(start at 16:00 - 19:30)



Most of us know that a government shut down is just a political ploy to blame the "other guy" while setting conditions for the congress critters to reach an agreement where they all come to the trough to pad the funding for their pet projects. Its a racket facilitated by lies that gramps is going to lose social security benefits and the poor will lose welfare. Its all BS.

Truth is, "non-essential" government agencies shut down until a budget is passed and gov't employees are furloughed. They all receive back pay when the new budget is passed (event though they are NOT allowed to work in any capacity during shutdown), and no "essential" gov't entities are shut down at all. No real effects on anything except public opinion.

The link below does a decent job of outlining what really happens during a shutdown. This post is intended only to share information and hopefully educate some of the sheeple out there.



The retard in chief has will be ending the jab mandate effective on 11 May. Congrats to those who held out!


  • Apologies if this has already become common knowledge. I did a quick search to see if this has already been posted and didn't find anything, so hopefully this is good news to many of us who stayed strong.

We all know dementia Joe is unfit for office. Any office. So far THEY have used his position as resident to further their agenda, but I think they knew Bidet wouldn't make it a full 4 years. I think they released the story about the classified docs at this time for a specific reason.

Joe has to be removed, and according to the 25th Amendment, a President can not serve more than 10 years total. As of Jan 22, 2023, he will be past the 2 year mark of this administration, meaning he can be replaced and Kamala can be the next resident for 10 years.

Nobody likes Kamala, but election fraud can ensure she finishes this term and serves 2 more full terms. Or maybe she gets launched and the next chosen one serves 10 years. Just an idea worth considering.

The timing, among other things, is suspicious to me. Why now?


Bottom Line: Nationwide injunction against jab requirement for gov't contractors has been narrowed to only 17 states until the courts render their final decision. Gov't is not enforcing mandate in remaining states, but is anticipated to do so in the near future.

Funny how this hasn't made the news - especially since the court narrowed the injunction in August, effective as of Oct 18th.

This is bullshit.

Links to sources below:




Bottom Line: Nationwide injunction against jab requirement for gov't contractors has been narrowed to only 17 states until the courts render their final decision. Gov't is not enforcing mandate in remaining states, but is anticipated to do so in the near future.

Funny how this hasn't made the news - especially since the court narrowed the injunction in August, effective as of Oct 18th.

This is bullshit.

Links to sources below:




Meet Juval Noah Harari - he's one of Uncle Klaus' top advisors and a leader within the global "elite" community. Admittedly, I haven't dug into him in great detail, however, what little I've seen is truly sinister. There is tons of videos of this guy telling us exactly what the elites have in store for us. Unbelievable and truly evil. I've never heard of this guy until last night - and this is truly scary stuff.

The link below is a short Rumble video (just over 2 minutes) that provides some specifics on exactly what the elites are doing and where the world is heading (if they have their way). About 15 seconds into the video Harari says freedom of choice and free will "is over." Also pay attention to every time he mentions "elites." This is certainly worth 2 minutes of your life to watch this.


I'm bringing this to the group's attention so maybe we can dig into this some more and share what we learn. We've got to come up with a way to defeat this madness. This guy NEEDS to be on our radar.


Sorry for the link to youtube, but its worth the watch. LtGov Robinson is unapologetically spewing truth without fear! (vid is approx 2 minutes) Hopefully he'll be the next governor of NC.



I went to the CDC website on the off chance that they actually indicate how bad the monkeypox really is. Rarely fatal with 99%+ survival rate. Bottom line - this is turning into another manufactured crisis. Posting this just to keep us all informed when they try to force the next round of vaccine mandates. From the CDC website:

"Infections with the type of monkeypox virus identified in this outbreak—the West African type—are rarely fatal. Over 99% of people who get this form of the disease are likely to survive. However, people with weakened immune systems, children under 8 years of age, people with a history of eczema, and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding may be more likely to get seriously ill or die.

Although the West African type is rarely fatal, symptoms can be extremely painful, and people might have permanent scarring resulting from the rash.

The Congo Basin type of monkeypox virus has a fatality rate around 10%."

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/faq.html

Sorry for the link to YouTube, but the video is quite interesting and full of Patriotic goodness! This is a replacement upper receiver that allows you to fire soda cans, and other projectiles. GREAT video - well worth the couple of minutes needed to watch it.


Link to product:


Enjoy, my frens!


This is a model for how to organize the trucker protests. I was VERY impressed by this website, the amount of coordination and transparency with the GoFundMe.



Fourth time reposting this. I'll try to repost this a couple of times a day over the next few days in order to keep visibility on the board. They need to hear from us!


Note: not looking to be a nuisance, get upvotes or anything else... just trying to get Patriots engaged in stopping this insanity!


Third time reposting this. I'll try to repost this a couple of times a day over the next few days in order to keep visibility on the board. They need to hear from us!


Note: not looking to be a nuisance, get upvotes or anything else... just trying to get Patriots engaged in stopping this insanity!


Link below. I plan to repost this at least twice a day to keep visibility on this... unless this gets stickied.


Edit: sorry guys... I put up the wrong link above. Correct link is as follows: (thanks to fellow Patriots for the assist!)



I just checked the CDC website - you know the one that used to say they were responding to the COVID Pandemic? Well, now it says "COVID Outbreak." It appears the pandemic is over and we're just dealing with an outbreak.

Make sure you get your vaccines for this deadly outbreak. /s



Just spitballing here, so please bear with me.

Here is what we KNOW:

  1. The Biden Admin will NEVER do anything that is good for our country.
  2. China is trying to become the dominant power in the Pacific.
  3. Australia is the newest communist country on the planet
  4. Aussie Cabinet held an emergency meeting prior to Biden's announcement of the deal.
  5. UK is well on their way to becoming a socialist country.

Theory: The deal with Australia/UK is a way to provide China with one of our nuke subs so they can reverse engineer and build their own. The Aussie Cabinet evidently didn't know this deal was coming, or they weren't prepared for the announcement, hence the emergency meeting. UK/Australia sees China as the future superpower. The US gov't is owned by the Chinese/foreign interests. Australia will be given one of our older subs. Shortly after delivery it will have a very public "training accident" with all hands lost at sea. In reality, the Aussies will sail our sub into a Chinese port somewhere and that sub will never be seen again... until we see satellite imagery of a fleet of Chinese subs that look a lot like the one we gave to Australia. China gets what they want, Aus/UK get new allies and US remains subservient to China.

I've read the theory that this deal has been in the works for years and Trump put it in place, devolution, etc. And this is possible, but I don't think it's very likely. My theory is a lot to unpack if you run down the rabbit holes of possibilities.

What say you?


Before the attacks begin, I'm not a lawfag, doomer, shill, or anything other than a Patriot. I can read/understand English. Q taught us to research and verify sources, so that is what I did - took me about 10 minutes to find the information below:

The Act of 1871 created the incorporated municipality of Washington D.C. as approved by the 41st Congress during their 3rd session on February 21, 1871. The source of this information is the Library of Congress (https://www.loc.gov/law/help/statutes-at-large/41st-congress/session-3/c41s3ch62.pdf). The Act of 1871 also details, as painfully as possible, how the District of Columbia will be governed.

The legal definition of of an incorporated municipality is as follows: "An incorporated political subdivision of a state that is composed of the citizens of a designated geographic area and which performs certain state functions on a local level and possesses such powers as are conferred upon it by the state." (source: https://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Incorporated+municipality)

Is this definitive proof that the USA is not a corporation? Not in the least. This does, however, debunk the Act of 1871 as the theoretical source of the USA Inc and the enslavement of the people by banking/London/Vatican, etc.

In all fairness, I did not research if this Act has been modified since 1871 - it most likely has. On a positive note, making D.C. the 51st state is likely illegal under the Act of 1871.