Disclaimer: it's a long post so please have patience. This isn't a post about bashing Musk, but rather a reflection of the bigger picture, the Q plan and the 10000 ft view.

Q famously said: "They think you will follow the stars"

What if he didn't just mean Hollywood. Think about it this way: are still in this right vs left part of the plan. Both sides have their "stars".

On the left we have: Obama, AOC, Newsome and all the late night TV hosts. While their support is at an all time low, they are still haging in there.

But who do we have on the right?

Naturally we have DJT. But lately a couple of new faces popped up: ie. Vivek, Vance, Elon, Kirk, etc

Now clearly DJT has shown on multiple occasions that he is a White Hat. However, jury is still out on Elon, Vivek and co. My take is that they are not white hats in the slightest. They come in and tell us what they want us to hear just like all manipulators do, and yet their actions speak of something different.

My theory is that: Q is using these guys as actors to test our awakened levels.

Let's talk about Elon.

For whatever reason everyone thinks that the guy is some kind of hardcore conservative nationalist, but is that really the case?

Let's look at his family: his parents are as cabal as they come. His own mother(who he has a good relationship with) looks like a a mason witch.


And don't get me started on his ex-wife who is a self-proclaimed witch, a kid that is trans.

What about him as an entrepreneur? Both of his major ventures are govt subsidized Tesla and SpaceX, something for which both Bezos and Gates took quiet some flak back in 2018. And yet Elon is hailed as some mega genius entrepreneur.

Well what about Twitter? Didn't that secure DJTs Presidency?

While it is true that he did buy twitter, the Presidency was secured due to turning off the voter fraud machine in the swing states. DJT was ultra popular in 2020, so much so that they had to create 81 million votes just to stop him. And mind you, all of this was under extreme censorship. Clearly Trump won the election twice without twitter being on our side.

Too big to rig?

Not really. The vote tallies went down which indicates that the White Hats turned off the voter fraud machine. Twitter had very little to do with this.

Next we have Vivek. The guy who worked with the big pharma and took their money. Then went on to say these DJT supporters are a problem for not wearing a mask and even questioned their IQ levels.

So what happens when the does exactly the same thing again?(Question the IQ and work ethic level of ethnic americans) On here you were called a shill and a divider for even questioning him.

But but, he didn't know any better back in 2016, 2020 or even 2021. To which I'd like to say that if you're not aware of the bullshit as recent as 2020 then you don't have the mental faculties to be at the front of the GAW.

Which bring me to the meat of this post:

What if the white hats are testing our awareness and great awakening levels? Are the patriots and MAGA crowd are going to trust them blindly simply because they are "our guys"? The White Hats already did this once during Operation Warp speed when they had Trump recommend the jab despite staunch opposition from his own supporters. So much so that they even "got" the vaccine.

My theory is that the Q team is prepping us to live by ourselves, and not to follow blindly people just because they subscribe to a movement. This is what our ancestors did back in the day. Just look at the election map from 70-100 years ago. There were no solid blur or solid red states. All of them would swing either way depending on the candidate.

We have 4 years of DJT at best, but what happens after? Q did allude that there is a plan past DJT which a lot of people took to mean that they already have a successor. This goes against the GAW. We are a constitutional Republic, not a Monarchy or a dictatoriship that hand picks it's appointees.

The only reason we are in this mess to begin with is because we've surrendered our critical thinking faculties in exchange for convenience.

Just a thought.


is a message to Trump from a 3rd party that Elon is there to torpedo him?

Doesn't look like your regular suicide bomber, considering the thing was filled with fireworks.

Clearly, they wanted to get Trump's attention without doing too much damage.


This board has brought up multiple times on how bad our govt is, CDC, FDA, etc and yet barely anyone mentions just how destructive major corporations are. I would even argue that they are more destructive because they've damaged the fabric of our society.

Let's take Uber for example: it started off as a start up that allowed drivers flexibility to earn extra income without having a boss watching over you. It was championed as a pioneer and innovator in the transportation industry that disrupted the other regulated taxi monopolies.

Now, it has morphed into a giant conglomerate that refuses to change. It recently released a statement that they plan on improving their profitability by slashing driver pay, despite the fact that they haven't increased it since 2018. Now mind you, the 2 biggest driver expenses(his car and fuel) went up in price by over 30% since 2021.

So how can they do this? By hiring illegal aliens to drive for bottom of the barrel wages. Used to be that Uber paid around 1$ per mile. Now due to the fact that they have iilegals, they pay as low as 30 cents per mile. At the same time, Uber increased the fares for the passengers as well.

You might think: what's stopping anyone open a new company to challenge them, and the answer is: regulations. Once Uber made it big, they lobbied the federal govt to implement regulations to "improve" the ridesharing experience. In reality it was just extra layers of protection against their competitors.

And Uber is just 1 example. Ever notice how companies now don't even let you own your own products? You buy a phone but you can't upgrade it, you buy a car but you need to take it to the dealership to work on it because of the artificial increase in complexity they do. And don't get me started on the whole wanting to implement subscription software for your car without which you wouldn't be able to drive it.

Also, let's talk how corporations destroyed the job market. First they come in with the notion that they need to close down and outsource the factories to stay profitable, but don't worry the prices aren't going up, because the labor is going to be cheaper. Then they hire H1Bs to replace specialized labor to keep costs down. This makes them more competitive and drive competitors out of business after which they bump the price. Not to mention the quadrilions spend on ads to turn normies into brainless consumers.

I can go on and on, but the bottom line is that big business has been as damaging to the fabric of our society as big govt has, and yet barelly anyone talks about it.


I'm used to the whole moves and counter moves as the whole ebb and flow for the past 8 years.

So now that this election went relatively drama free, after the initial bit of euphoria I'm feeling myself bored. All the news coming out feel so normie tier that I don't even care. All the metldowns while enjoyable, I don't care about them really. I never viewed the libs as the enemy.

The only interesting news coming so far is from the RFK Jr. camp and that has me excited, but aside from that, it's been pretty quiet.

Maybe this is the "CALM BEFORE THE STORM" that President Trump told us about. Maybe the whole "10 days or darkness" is the last call for us to prepare before SHTF? Or maybe I'm just overthinking this?

I wonder if this is what combat veterans feel like after coming back to civilian life.


Biden won PA with 3.4 million and Trump is sitting at 3.3+ with 90% and Kamala is at 3.1 million. Same story in GA when you compare it to the 2020 tally.

You want to tell me that a candidate that is even less popular than Joe all of the sudden has more votes than him in the battle ground states?

Yeah, right!



I've been thinking what is going to happen after tomorrow. Naturally most of us anons have 2020 PTSD. So a part of me was thinking that Harris will steal this and somehow the WH will overturn it.

However there is a problem with that: the libs will fight tooth and nail and civil war will be inevitable.

The only way to avoid this is a complete TRUMP LANDSLIDE!

If Trump gets 350-400 votes while sweeping states like Minnesota, Colorado, New Jersey, Virginia and New York it would absolutely shatter any hope they have left. All of a sudden their media and talking heads who are like gospel are going to be scrutinized. It will be the death of the MSM for the liberals as well.

That will take a lot of them on this very simple but powerful rabbithole.

If they lied to me about the election, what else are they lying to me about?

With that in mind WH can release all the Diddy, Epstein lists. The libs would now be way more receptive to this as opposed to "they are trying to smear Kamala" and the fun can begin.

Just a theory