by Evspra
1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

I suppose it's possible , but he's had a lot of troubles from the government over the years like they have it out for him so I think that adds some credibility to his story.

by Evspra
1776Mogul 4 points ago +4 / -0

Can't say I'm a believer in all of that stuff , but bob lazar always has seemed pretty legit . BOB LAZAR: AREA 51 & FLYING SAUCERS (2018) BOB LAZAR AND AREA 51 TOP SECRETS REVEALED 1988-1989

by gamepwn
1776Mogul 0 points ago +1 / -1 wouldn't be to surprised if they do have secret tunnels too.

by Evspra
1776Mogul 5 points ago +5 / -0

The tune sort of sounds like the song "my favorite things" doesn't it ?

1776Mogul 8 points ago +8 / -0

Grab the Crisco , grease me up I have to get this thing on so can go spout some more bullshit on tv

1776Mogul 21 points ago +21 / -0

"After November’s political race she went through days on TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube getting instilled into the universe of QAnon." Ok you know shes full of shit we all got kicked off of these platforms months before Nov. Hahaha


1776Mogul 57 points ago +57 / -0

she feared that her and her daughter would have to go into hiding? So she went on the news , yeah ok that makes sense

1776Mogul 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey at least it wasn't the anal swab! We all are ready. Might not seem like it but we are winning each and every day and those wins are adding up , Q needs most of the public to wake up to make this happen otherwise it would just be like talking to someone you know that is asleep , it just wouldn't work . We are on our way! If we weren't winning this site wouldn't be here getting attacked constantly , hang in there !

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

The title was what the title was on youtube not my words , just called it what they called it .

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Could be , just thought it was interesting , nothing more nothing less

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

That I don't know , is that something the US would practice with our jets? Seems like pour form .

1776Mogul 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is all that happened , just thought it might be of interest to some .

1776Mogul 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thank you for your service , But people have been lied to in past, present and will be lied to in the future. What we do from here knowing what we know now will define where we are going . People are mostly good just been mislead. Shoulda whoulda coulda(s) mean nothing . Today is what matters now , and hope for the future . Have a good night

1776Mogul 4 points ago +4 / -0

What that it's a bad thing they stood their ground and believed in something. People and jobs come and go . Can't make everyone happy all the time and I don't think anyone should change their believes because others don't see eye to eye. That's weak as fuck! That's also not what I think this place is about . It's to share ideas with other like minded people, I would say most people here would agree. Do some research, Share ideas. Don't just put everything down, where's that gonna get us? NO WHERE . If Q ends up being nothing you just gonna go cry in the corner and be a little bitch? Or are you already there?

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