Drop 1120 says:

Clarify. Chongqing. Tuesday. Demand. Xi. Confirm tarriff reduction. Tuesday (China). Cars. Articles provide foundation. Major import. Ford. US. Start. Q

I can understand some of this. And I think we all believe Pompeo confirmed “Demand” today.

But I can’t figure out what Ford has to do with anything, and I can’t find any discussion on it.

They took none of the Obama bailout. They helped Trump make a ton of ventilators for the “pandemic”. They recently shutdown some foreign operations.

What is their role in all this? Someone wiser than me, please help.

I saved a bunch of accounts, but nothing’s working, or is deleted.

The best app seems to be Telegram. I already have the ‘unofficial Sidney’ page.

Any good pages to follow on Telegram? Can’t seem to find many.

I don’t care for memes and shit. Only news or updates.



This video was made the evening after they were added to the Intelligence Community https://mobile.twitter.com/US_SpaceComCSEL/status/1347739267435429890:

Talks about a movie you should watch. It’s about: -starts several years before year WWII -gets intelligence that Japan WILL act if US threatens their oil supply (did we disrupt something in the Chinese economy?) -“that intelligence led to later actions, and its something WE CAN LEARN FROM” -“highlights many areas of leadership and trust by commanders, ands that’s SOMETHING ALL LEADERS CAN LEARN FROM, ESPECIALLY AS WE PIVOT TO THE PACIFIC” -tough leadership, extreme risk to limit “Japanese” momentum -“there’s also great respect for intelligence professionals” (they were just added to the IC before this video) -“time sensitive intelligence to his commander” -“most realistic movie.... ever made” -“ENJOY A GOOD MOVIE”.

He was reading a script, this was not off-the-cuff speaking. Every word means something.