But surely they would have been doing this after the election or as soon as Kash was nominated? It would be too late by now to stop it. In some ways it may be best as they can really have the book thrown at them. And we know that Q/military 'has it all', so nothing is really removed from the servers forever.
She stood at that podium, alligned herself with Fauci and backed all the mainstream lies with her presence and her smooth platitudes. She also undermined 45 with her lofty arrogant snearing. Birx should have resigned if she was unhappy with the narrative. She deosn't get to change the history of her involvement now. She is a power hungry deepstate stooge through and through.
My mother had intravenous vitamin C for breast cancer, but it didn't work. I am certain it could work and has other health benefits, but this whole topic is not a one size fits all. I was saying to someone yesterday, at this point we need a top 20 things to do list. In future hopefully we will have access to an index of more tailored solutions that include the myriad of foods, supplements, substances and devices that we have been hearing about the past 5 years.
0.1% would be only 40K. Not to be sneezed at but people need to be encouraged to find smaller amounts of savings too and lower amounts would not result in much of a reward. Few people are going to be able to find multi-tens of millions.
As so much of Q is in code, how do you know exactly what has been said by Q and what hasn't?
In addition it's the expression that matters. Q2622 says the earth isn't flat. I wouldn't have asked Q if it was flat, I would have asked if it is a globe and the answer may well have still been, 'No'. It's clear that Q answered the question they wanted to answer, but that doesn't mean we aren't supposed to dig. It could be a hint that FE is wrong, but that another shape is the truth. Or is could be misdirect... we simply don't know and nor do you.
Most of us don't want to go round in circles, but unless people dig, you don't know if a topic is a spinning wheel or revelation. Knowledge is evolving as people whistleblow or docs are unearthed and that will continue for some time to come. Q4734 is obvs against gatekeeping which is still a big feature in our lives mostly here now, where we should be able to set up frenly digs that are voluntary. When these things are no longer banned on X and FB, anon are able to post info there, but not here? Puzzlement.
Well some of them are just encouraged beyond their capabilities and paid well I think. Who knows her particular leveraged pathway, although she probs had either a rough or indulged childhood, either exptreme seems to be able to breed anorexia... I just know that even chatgpt admits she is in the globalist womans club.
Looks more like anorexic. She links back to HRC and Madeleine Albright's (Vital Voices Global Partnership they started in 1997) via various womens support networks that Vital Voices is connected with. Any time you see an aggressive corporate/journo/activist/political female attacking a male, they are probably in that club.
Then they die. Best for bees to keep making honey.