I've been to a handful of Trump rallies in PA and this had to be the LEAST energized and I don't think it has anything to do with the rain but everything to do with Oz.

There were some people who cheered when his name was mentioned but for the most part... nada.

It didn't even seem that Trump believed what he was saying about him.

Oz spoke for maybe a minute or so and the crowd just wasn't enthusiastic at all.


There is really no other choice to save Pennsylvania, our values, morals and children. If you don't know who Kathy is and what she stands for, please research her. She is a no nonsense hot blooded MAGA patriot who isn't afraid to go toe to toe with the Libs and doesn't back down.

She's not a career politician with a big donor list. She's not a liberal in sheep's clothing.

McCormick is slick, even with his Trump connection and Pompeo endorsement. He never answers a damn question.

And Oz? Yea.. we all know about him.

For those who don't live in PA, outside of the major cities, Pennsylvania is referred to as "Pennsyl-tuckey" .. clinging to our God and Guns. We need someone that represents who we are and what we believe in.


I saw a post from a Fren the other day who was feeling the burden of being based, having lost friends, family members and living in a cesspool of libs.

I'm certain there are many who feel the same but just keep it inside and push to get through the day. Personally, I play Call of Duty and listen to the Bema Project Bible Study podcast but sometimes you just want to connect with another living, breathing person.

I'm blessed because at least me and my husband are on the same page. He's been awake for eons. But if you're someone who could use a friend to talk to, unload, vent or need uplifting send me a DM.

Connecting on the board is great, but we also need to make sure that we help each other IRL also.


Sorry to jump in late but I couldn't remember my GAW password. Anyway...

There's been a LOT of theories going around regarding Trump's endorsement with the top 3 being:

  1. Trump is making Oz persona-non-grata for the RINOS PA is filled with Romney-Rinos and GOP Never Trump-ers so endorsing OZ could ensure that Oz falls flat

  2. Trump just made a mistake and used bad judgement Maybe, he IS just human, but that's too easy and don't believe it.

  3. The elections in PA are still rigged so endorsing a MAGA candidate who will lose anyway wouldn't be a feast for the left Plausible since Kathy Barnette is as MAGA as MAGA can be. Ran for Congress in 2020 but was another victim of election fraud and lost.

We ALL know who Oz really is, what he believes and who he hangs with so there has to be some reason we may or may never know.. but there HAS to be a reason, right?

So I was told... by a very, very, reliable source who is in a position to know first hand that Trump's people contacted Kathy Barnette and asked if she would consider dropping out of the race.

THAT I can't wrap my head around. Like I said, Barnette is MAGA. 1000% MAGA so why would she be asked to drop out?



Jennersville and Brandywine hospitals (both in Chester County) are being closed in the next month.

Chester Crozer, Springfield, Taylor and Delaware County Community (all in Delaware County and owned by the same group) are up for sale.

A few thoughts:

  1. Is this an attempt to skirt away from potential "mandate" lawsuits once (and if) the courts finally puts an end to this nonsense

  2. Is this yet another move towards socialist/communist health care where everyone is funneled only to government sponsored facilities?

Is this occurring anywhere else?

Just further proof that we need to do everything we can to keep ourselves healthy and explore more holistic means of care. It's no secret that keeping us sick and medicated works towards their agenda.

Anything thoughts or insights is greatly appreciated because y'all are way smarter then I am! :)