Not Q related per se, but there is a connection regarding the big picture deep state factor… anyone know about the Satchel Pulse social emotional learning tool used by public schools? My natural inclination is to assume the worst of intentions behind such things, but don’t want to overreact/spout off without accurate information.
Just heard a quick blurb on the morning radio news that all Osprey aircraft have been grounded for the US military due to that crash near Japan. The Osprey is a major component to the Marine One presidential helicopter security and logistics. Made me think how providing a weakness for a foreign power to take out a sitting president could kill many birds with one stone from the globalist point of view…
Constitutionally speaking, Congress could probably postpone the election to give that party a chance to pick a new candidate, but what if they don’t and what if early voting has already started and whatnot? Alive guy wins, moot point; dead guy wins, it can’t automatically go to the VP nominee because he/she hasn’t been sworn in as VP yet and therefore isn’t part of the constitutional succession plan yet. So in that scenario, does it go to Congress to decide who the president will be? It seems this should be an easy fact to find, but all I’ve found is typical know-nothing media pontification from when they were hoping DJT was going to croak from the vid.
I personally think some of the comments on this site can get pretty ridiculous at times, more importantly, they can utterly obliterate an otherwise important message. However, you know what is said about opinions and how they are like a particular body part (everybody’s got one, and they all stink). The thing I have seen that truly ruins credibility is when atheists/agnostics/whatever pontificate about the Bible, yet they don’t believe in it in the first place.
Trump wins GOP primary; Biden or whomever they pick as a new puppet to replace him “wins” Dem primary plagued in suspicion that RFKJR got Bernied. Trump picks RFKJR as his running mate. Not sure if there are rules against such a thing with the whole crossing over parties mid cycle like that, but interesting I think.
Is “Ice Cream” comms for something as far as anyone here is aware? There were numerous news stories about Obama and Biden including the one recently where Joe made comments on a serious occasion and said something like “the only reason I’m here is because I heard there’s ice cream.” The thing with Nancy Pelosi bragging about her freezer full of ice cream during the Covid lockdown. Now I just saw something about Jimmy doing great in hospice “visiting with friends and enjoying ice cream.” Seems weird.
Rather than treating severe mental illness, let’s not only claim it isn’t a mental illness, but give it a full- throated endorsement as being perfectly normal. What could possibly go wrong? “Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Pretty sure I’ve read that in a book before…
I assume it’s the former since the media keep saying “she.”
FWIW, some anecdotal evidence of FLCCC protocols (with some personally researched modifications) being highly effective: Wife and I are non-GMO with no previous WuFlu infection. She recently came down with symptoms which were “confirmed” by a weekly spit test (in lieu of work required jab…I know, I know, but it was the right call for us to compromise a bit on that one). Hit her pretty hard the first couple days (said it reminded her of mono as a kid), significant improvement by day three, and continued improvement from there, including oxygen saturation at 96 day one and back up to 99 by day three. Started her on the protocol right away: Ivermectin day one and three (had it set aside for a rainy day), quercetin, zinc, C, D, NAC (got some before it became Rx only), gluthianone, and Benadryl, plus Tylenol as needed.
I’d been taking quercetin, zinc, vitamin C and D for about three weeks prior to her getting sick, and Benadryl and colostrum before bed for a week prior; she tried some of those a couple months ago as a preventive, but it was too rough on her stomach. I added gluthianone and NAC to my routine as soon as she got sick. Other than very minor throat and sinus stuff (like what just about everyone in the upper midwest gets this time of year) I’ve been fine. And I should note: other than what would normally take place when one half of the couple feels like crap for a couple days, we had no change to our routine- we kissed, we slept in the same bed, we hung out together (within six feet and unmasked 😄).
Again, anecdotal, but if it helps anyone out there that’s great.
For those who aren’t crazy leftists but lean toward being gullible to fake news, I’ve been explaining the Maricopa audit like this: Mike pays Sam $500 for a snowblower. Mike gets suspicious that something isn’t right, so he hires an expert to analyze the five $100 bills. The expert determines there are in fact five $100 bills there, but three of them are counterfeit. Awake people would say Sam cheated and actually only paid Mike $200, not $500; the Media would say the expert confirmed Sam paid Mike $500. Pleasantly surprised by how many people have started thinking differently in light of that analogy. It has also been pretty effective to point out the lack of logic in MSM headlines. “Sham Audit Confirms Biden Win.” Well, which is it? Was it a sham audit? If so, it’s illogical to use it as evidence of a Biden win. If it was not a sham audit, then it’s also illogical to use it as evidence of a Biden win since the audit uncovered massive fraud. I know those arguments are lost on most people, but I’ve seen it work on some folks who are finally starting to question things. Hopefully that’s evidence the DS overplayed their hand and are facilitating that Great Awakening we’re counting on.