Now that SCOTUS has overturned the Chevron Deference. Will we be permitted to buy gasoline cans, that work as originally designed?


Did Keebler quietly change the name of these cookies? Because, Klaus (anal) Schwab said "You vill, eat ze Boogs!"


I seen a Marcy Kaptur campaign commercial this morning, on one of local Toledo TV stations. She says that she's working with Republicans, to fight back against Joe Biden's inflation. First, I don't trust Marcy, as far as I could throw her. However, this is the first time that I've ever heard a Demonrat speak against their dear leader, especially on a TV commercial.


I work for a tier-1 auto parts supplier, that builds lighting systems (headlamps and tail lamps) For Ford Motor Co. For several months, until very recently, we were less than busy. Some lines dropping a shift, temporary layoffs, employees offered to leave early, offered Friday's off, and NO overtime. This was said to be due to supply chain issues, primarily lack of a key semiconductor. Recently, Ford announced that they were shifting their focus from the ICE (internal combustion engine) segment of their business, to the BEV (battery electric vehicle) segment. Within days of Ford's announcement, we're almost back to pre scamdemic production levels. One can only assume, that announcing the switch to electric vehicle production, and the demise of the gasoline/diesel engine. Thus pleasing the cabal, and the institutional stock holders, obviously caused computer chips fall out of the sky, like manna from heaven! Whoda, thunk it.

Meanwhile, at Menards. (media.greatawakening.win) N C S W I C
posted ago by 672mack ago by 672mack

My wife, that was in the hospital, last week with sepsis, now requires outpatient surgery to clean the wound. The hospital is demanding the test, for surgery. (When they said that they couldn't require it for admission, last week. ) Time to find an attorney.


I had to take my wife to the local ER. Early on in the diagnosis process, the RN mentioned, that should she be admitted to the hospital, she would have to submit to a CoViD test. My wife flat refused, to which the nurse replied, "OK we'll cross that bridge when we come to it". About 7 hours later, when we were in formed that indeed she would have to be admitted, the nurse asked if she would take the test. Once again my wife, refused. However this time, the nurse changed her tune, and said, "We can't force you to take the test, but we encourage you to do so". To which my reply was; "I know you can't". My wife got admitted, to a private room.


Back in August, My 78 year old Mother-In-Law had to have her gallbladder removed. There were complications, and she really did not wake up for about 3 weeks. She then went to a facility for rehab. She has used up her 90 days that Medicare pays for, with little improvement. The next step is long term care, as she can't take care of herself. I believe she fried her gallbladder, with the jab. Our attorney mentioned yesterday, that he's noticed an uptick of gallbladder problems as of late. I've also noticed a lot more squad calls locally, for really high blood pressure, like 200/100, in the last few days.