My wife is 10 weeks pregnant. We've decided on a home birth because we think that will give us the highest chance of having a natural birth. We also feel a home birth will be much more spiritual and God focused, which we want to make sure Jesus is as the center of it all.

We have found a team with a certified nurse midwife and others that will assist us throughout the pregnancy. We have a nearby hospital familiar with our situation in case a transfer is needed for any reason.

Has anyone else had a home birth? If so, I am curious what your experience was like.


Using these 2 documents from the US Census Bureau:

Population: 328,239,523

Persons under 18: 22.3%

Persons over 18: 100 - 22.3 = 77.7%

Persons 18 or over in US: 328,239,523 * .777 = 255,042,109

Of these 255,042,109 voting age citizens 72.7% are registered to vote.

Registered voters: 255,042,109 * .727 = 185,415,613 registered voters

Of these registered voters, 66.8% voted

Actual voters: 185,415,613 * .668 = 123,857,629 actual votes.

123,857,629 votes cast in the 2020 election according to the US Census Bureau.

The media told us Biden received 81,284,666 and Trump received 74,224,319

Media's total votes: 81,284,666 + 74,224,319 = 155,508,985

The difference between what the Media says and what the US Census says:

155,508,985 - 123,857,629 = 31,651,356

31,651,356 votes the US Census Bureau does not account for, but the media claims exist.

I just thought this was interesting that our own government data heavily contradicts the media's claim for the 2020 election, and that it is so easily provable.

Note: If anyone has 2020 population data from the US Census, I can re-do these calculations.


I am a PC for AZ's Legislative District 23. Today there was a meeting in which a PC proposed creating a Caucus. This caucus would allow PCs to vote on up to 2 GOP primary candidates to run as Republicans and be sponsored by the AZ GOP. These votes can be done for ANY state or local races.

This is to try to help weed out RINOs and weak candidates, and to prevent too many candidates from running and potentially splitting the vote.

Candidates would be required to give a speech, answer questions, and debate in front of the PCs so that the PCs can learn about them.

I am curious what people on this board think of this. On one hand it gives the core of the AZ GOP party (PCs and politically active) power to select candidates, but it also prevents potential candidates from running as a Republican on a ballot unless the are approved by the PCs.

I am personally in favor of it. Candidates right now are propped up by media and big out of state money. The core of the state party having more control over this I think would help a lot.