I'm trying to find the complete Treaty of Versailles but this is all I can find. The problem with that version is that it has at least two typos (problem 1) and also it comes from an extremely questionable source.

Two of the typos are in Article 7 where it says "he Secretariat" it should say "the Secretariat" and where it says "he League" it should say "the League", right? Or is this some old fashioned way to spell "the" under very special circumstances?

If you go to that link and then try to shorten it to the following to learn more about the database that the document is being stored in:


or you can omit even more:


or even more yet:


Then what will happen is that you will be denied access to anything. So, where is this document being stored?

Can anyone find another place on the internet where a complete copy is available?

Hello GreatAwakening,

I just have a simple request...

I am looking for the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund, like the one that is available here but that's not the one I want. I want the original, the one that was signed in 1945. I have only been able to find versions that have been amended to include a lot of information about Special Drawing Rights but that amendment happened in the 60's. Such a large portion of the document includes mention of SDR's that I can't even tell what the original document could POSSIBLY have been. Finding this document should be a trivial task, right? Surely there's a copy of it available somewhere?