We see a lot of posts that the Military is currently running the show and a lot of posts that power players know this, politicians, even movie stars..

Well, if that is the case, then the Supreme Court would know, or at least have a strong suspicion of it being so.

There is zero reason for a corrupt and compromised SCOTUS to deny all these election challenges if they have any hint that the Military is currently in power..

If they wanted to cover their asses and keep justice from being served, they would have accepted the cases, or at least a few of them, then slow walked them.. causing any military action to be direct intervention of lawful process..

Instead they just denied them all, regardless of how glaringly required they may have been (states changing election laws outside of the Electors is open and shut)..

I am failing to see how the Military is the Only Way, SCOTUS' actions are proving that they have zero fear of any military intervention.


We've been asking if Biden could do that.. well what if he's in the capital doing the whole shebang, meanwhile Trump is already sworn in, or abdicates power to a military body..

12:01pm... Biden swears in on the TV but it's too late, Trump already in, hammer about to drop on the traitors..


I thought there was at least a couple Supreme Court cases on the docket before Inauguration Day? I know the Trump Team one is set for 22nd but I was sure Sidney Powell had one around now?

Yes yes, military is the only way, etc, but I’d still like to see the legal front continue in the meantime

Telegram next boys! (media.greatawakening.win)
posted ago by AJackson ago by AJackson

Why does it have to mark communications being down? Or power being down. "It's Trump going dark!" Except he is speaking here, or there.. etc

But has anyone had a happy week full of good (light) news?

Or have we had pretty crushing bad / depressing news for the past 6 days? Every day I have woken up to more darkness.

Perhaps this is the 10 days... The plan knew that the days following the closing of the deal on the 6th, where all things are apparently set in stone, and the enemy would expose its evil dark agenda, would be incredibly dark, where people would lose hope..

We had our Judas moment, not just Pence but the betrayal by most of the Republicans.. the enemy has made it's moves bold and in everyones faces.. A turn around at this point could only be Biblical in it's size.

Keep praying for a light to obliterate this darkness frens...