YouTube: Daniel M. Risis Daniel M. Risis Thank You Fellow Patriots.
WARNING: what you are about to read is 1000% true. I am not an attorney nor am I bound by any attorney client privileges. I will not discuss the Kyle Rittenhouse case, ever in public. What the email below is about is the truth of what happened to every penny you donated for the #FIGHTBACK foundation for the purposes of defending a young man who showed up to defend what he thought was right and he was bullied. He was bullied, pushed, taunted and made fun of. His life was then threatened and he reacted. That is the only thing I will say about the facts of the case. The case is over. The tragedy is behind us but there are still many, many, many unanswered questions. If you do not want to know the truth, please do not read the email below and do not subscribe to my channel. My goal is to help people who stood up to bullying and give them their money back which is owed to them. I also need everyone to know that we live in a society where “truth” is crammed down your throat whether you want it or not. This is not something I believe in. I believe in the truth only coming out when someone asks for it. Your subscriptions and the general need for honesty is what will show me if the truth should come out. We as a society are blind to the reality of the ramifications of our actions so if we choose to ignore the facts of one of the biggest robberies in history which was disguised as a “non-profit” fund, then no problem…I totally get it. Please simply watch for entertainment purposes since this will be the greatest story ever told…and it's all real. I don't ask for a penny and refuse to be a part of any “for-profit” activity ever associated with a tragedy. I apologize if you do not agree with this statement as I have found myself on an island all alone and I respect everyones opinion so please do not be mean when the truth shocks you. Just accept it, or ignore it but do not deny it since that will put us ever further back than where we find ourselves today.
I use the word Patriot since it's really the only way to describe our current relationship. Please give me a few minutes and read this email since it’s the most important email you will receive for a long time. My Name is Daniel M. Risis (Dan Risis) and I am a professional mathematician. I am also a Father, a Husband and a citizen of the United States of America. I was also the CEO of Pierce Bainbridge before, during and right after the Rittenhouse Case. I also single-handedly (with a small army of loyal team members) started the #Fightback Foundation. I want to make this very clear. The Name #FightBack was thought of by John Pierce. What I did was position myself in a place where when I calculated the events as they were to happen, I would be able to launch my Applied Mathematical Equation to end the Riots. You see, I have been living in hiding, very happy working on my two billion dollar business concepts that will change our society, and all of a sudden we found ourselves in the middle of a second civil war. This time though, we were fighting ourselves psychologically and there would be no end had I not stepped in and changed the narrative of this case. Please let me explain.
My name is Dan Risis and I am the #1 Applied Mathematician in the world and I am ALSO #1 in the world in Game Theory. These two skills, working in conjunction with a photographic memory, I am able to calculate certain events. I am not an attorney nor do I even have a college degree. The only thing in this world I am good at are those two Elements of Science (applied math and game theory) which I have mentioned above. At the Bottom of this email, I have a link to a video I created which is the second part of this introduction. Please understand I don’t want a single penny for my efforts and I consider you a victim of misinformation and general lies since the actual money you donated was for a very good cause and what happened afterwards needs to be made public….But there is one catch…I need to see people care.
Please let me explain even further. I do not want, or need, a single penny from any of my social media accounts, appearances, and no books or movies will be made, even though what I will tell you will be the by far the best story ever told and it’s all true. Everything I say and do is substantiated with videos, recordings, emails, texts and social media posts from the people I talk about. You will never see a single Facebook account or anything like that for me. What you see when you search for me is nothing but lawsuits and fabricated articles so I can work silently and not be bothered. All the lawsuits you read about are real and I will explain on YouTube why I engage in so much litigation but this has a lot to do with my Hero, Nikolai Tesla…A true visionary genius who was destroyed by attorneys. In Summary, I do not stand for bullying. Tesla was used and bullied and the reason why I am reaching out to you today is because you stood up to bullying when Kyle was arrested and charged. I also want to be very clear when I say that Kyle was involved in a tragedy and there are parents who lost children and lives which will never be restored. But Kyle was only the second part of a counterbalance to George Floyd, where another innocent life was lost in vain and both stories were heavily manipulated by the media. As the first donors, you were the only people in the country brave enough to stand up to BULLYING. Who might you ask is the Bully? Well, since I will not tell you any factual details until I see you recognize the motivation behind my actions and that my only goal is to do good…I can’t tell you but for this email, we bullied ourselves. Yes, that is correct…you see, the modern media is only a reflection of who we are as a society. We as a society have digressed so much in the past 20 years that the need for instant gratifications and entertainment value in reality drew the modern media to such a competitive level with social media that certain tragic events in our society took our entire country for a spin…and we survived.
You see, the entire purpose of why I did everything is so that my children can live in a normal place when they get older and had I not launched my math equation as a counterbalance to the endless violence and rioting, then we never would be able to stop. My concept of ending the riots revolved around a tragic event that was guaranteed to happen based on the age grouping and the legal gun rights of certain states. I am a-political, I have no stances on anything including guns, politics or anything people argue about. The only thing I do is Applied Mathematics and in those sciences, it is impossible to argue with end results. As someone who wants to help all 300m Americans, it's simply not possible for me to pick and choose sides and do my job correctly. I appreciate and respect everyone's opinion but unless it's math based, I will not engage in a discussion about it since I do not have enough factual evidence to conclude one way or another therefore the time spent arguing will be wasted. I’m sure this last sentence was funny to you but as a mathematician, I have certain mental handicaps which I have created a series of “triggers' ' to hide from the public. I also want to remind you that your privacy and anonymity is of utmost importance. I will never share any of the Donor Lists or information about anything donated unless compelled by law and not to sound too arrogant, but who on earth doesn’t want to either get their money back or at least know the truth of what happened to their money since what you know in the modern media or social media is simply not true. Your privacy is also very important since you have shown your ability to stand up to Bullies and for that, you are the only core group of people that deserve the truth about Kyle Rittenhouse.
Now, some of you might be saying, well, what's the point of all this? Here is your answer. The point of all this is that I do not believe in something called “hidden information” and when you donated to the Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund you clearly donated for “Legal Defense for Kyle Rittenhouse ''. Trust me, I know. I was the one who set the whole thing up. And what's really sad is I did it because Kyle Rittenhouse is the very definition of a child being bullied, standing up for himself and doing it in a completely wrong way. This fault lies in us as a society and I knew I would never be able to wake anybody up until we were faced with a tragedy that the media would bite into. Our society would not stop hurting ourselves until a white Child killed a white Child in public and for the causes not associated with them. Nothing about the political rioting nor the tactical defense of the “protectors' ' on site had ANYTHING to do with the root cause of our societies issues of race, cultural injustice and a Bias legal system. The people on-site were there for other reasons and it wasn’t until the Rittenhouse case, we finally were able to see the ramifications of our actions. Children will kill children if adults do not start acting like adults.
The complexity in balancing our society is that so many people publicly supported BLM (a good organization founded on good principles which simply have been lost with the quantity of information publicly available) and so few people wanted to stand up for conservative rights publicly. Personally, I am more liberal than conservative but I don’t believe in bullying. I am what you call a “Bully-Bully” and I felt that even though half the country felt different than the other half, the core of the issue of race we all agreed on and we believe that Black lives DO matter… so it was impossible to balance the movement unlike our current political system which is relatively balanced. In conjunction with a movement called “defund police” (which is very dangerous and I will end all conversation about that mess if I can see anyone actually cares), our country began to spiral out of control with no end in sight. For the Kyle Rittenhouse incident, publicly I am told via all news outlets that police were told to stand down. This is the first time in my life I have ever seen anything like this and I felt appalled as a young man living in our society that we were so blind as to the ramification of our non-stop need for reality based entertainment. This is what we get. A pure tragedy.
But, that's really the only way to wake anybody up. Had the issue not been legal based and non-race based, we as a society would continue to fuel it. But this case, this case was one in a billion and it had a white child, killing white children (I call them children even though they were legal adults, I mean one kid had a skateboard and the entire concept of violence unprovoked is very juvenile to me and we are too advanced as a society to accept this) and I also call them children because parents lost kids. I can not write a single sentence or even think about the Kyle Rittenhouse case without renumbering the victims which are so often forgotten during these sensational cases.
As you can see clearly in the modern media, the story being told is that attorneys are now fighting for this money and are filing various motions, etc. Please understand that in my eyes this is “Blood Money”. I know this might seem idealistic and somewhat delusional but please remember this. The three attorneys that helped Kyle were John Pierce, Andrew Calderon and Mark Richards. Kyle is now an adult and the money we collected was not meant for Kyle’s bail. This is a direct violation of what was promised to you when you donated to the foundation. Unfortunately, I could not speak earlier due to the sensational nature of what I will reveal as this would have greatly impacted the trial. My goal is simple. To see who actually wants the truth and who wants to have either their money back or to allow Kyle to pay his attorneys what he feels they deserve since he is now an adult. He was tried as an adult and when it comes to this money, he is being treated like a child. This is called a Mathematical Paradox and I am sure as donors, you might want to know the reality from someone who is not bound by any attorney client privileges, nor do care about what people think. Legally, you did something very brave and for the past year and half, you have been misled as to what happened after you donated the money. My goal is only to tell you the truth.
Over the past 4 months, I have released all the videos which are fact based and outline the road which will be taken to expose the truth but I have no interest in doing this if you don’t want to hear the truth. I often compare what I am about to say to telling your best friend their spouse is cheating on them and they are happily married. The reality is the end result of the Rittenhouse case was perhaps what you wanted, but that part is only the beginning of the story. The real story will be revealed slowly in two parts. Videos on YouTube and via emails only donors receive as to protect the world from a little too much truth. Also, mathematically by standing up to bullying, you deserve to be the first to know. And, maybe even get you your money back.
To gauge the response of how much truth you want, all you have to do is subscribe to my YouTube channel and circulate it amongst anyone who would be interested in this subject matter. Many people have no interest in this and it’s important to only reveal the truth to those that care. This is an issue that affects 300m Americans and if the truth is not something you want from the ONLY person who knows the truth, then please…I get it. Everything I have written in the email above is 1000% true and I want to end this email with one simple request. Watch my “Magic Trick '' which comes out on Presidents Day. Donald Trump was bullied by the media for 4 years and when he stood up, they shut him down. My “magic trick” was designed to be leaked and keep the media honest during the Rittenhouse trial. It worked, but the end result is a really funny and amazing video that if received correctly, will allow Donald Trump a legitimate chance at re-election since so much of everything that happened after the Rittenhouse case is all connected. Not in some conspiracy theory way, but with video, bank statements and digital/physical proof of what I say. So, if you want to see Donald Trump have a real second chance at office, you will subscribe to the channel and I guarantee you will love what you .
I am apparently not like most on this board as I’m mostly associated with like minded people that refuse to take the clot shot. I’d say maybe 1 in 10 people that I know have gone out and gotten the shot and most of those that did got the j&j 1 shot dose. I have a good friend whose wife is the manager of 2 banks and she for some reason thought that it would be a good example to her employees to get them so she did early on. Well about a week and a half ago she went and got the 3rd (booster) shot and not she has Bell’s palsy. He has taken her into the er several times over the last week as she is getting really bad migraines. The doc they saw did say it was a side affect of the shot so at least they admitted it. They also said that most people recover from it but that it could take up to 9 months to do so. I’m just at a loss as what to tell him.
Got a buddy whose friend thinks his company is going to try and make him get vaccinated. I was looking for those questions that keep getting posted to ask your employer when they start down that path. Apparently I failed to save it. Thanks in advance.
Also Bentley Gilbert just got done. My wife said that this isn’t the only surprise concert that has been put on lately apparently it’s been happening all over? Anyone else know of stuff like this?