It is so important that we back up and archive content that will further the Great Awakening before the tech overlords take it down. One thing I have noticed is that a lot of people don't seem to know how to download videos from YouTube. There are many ways to do so, but this is the way that I do it, and I hope it helps all of you.

  1. Download VLC Player. VLC is free, lightweight, and safe. I have used it for years and set it as the default player on my PC.

  2. Copy the URL from a YouTube video.

  3. Open VLC Player and in the top-left, select Media > Open Network Stream...

  4. Paste the URL in the Text Box titled 'Please enter a network URL'

  5. Click 'Play'

  6. While the video is playing, select Tools > Codec Information

  7. There is a box at the bottom of the window that opens called 'Location:'

  8. Click inside of this box and use CTRL + A to select all of it. Paste the location into your web browser.

  9. When the video plays in your web browser, select 'Download' from the menu in the bottom left of the window.

  10. If you're feeling extra FRENly, upload it to Rumble, BitChute, or any other alternative video sharing platform.

That's it!


But he is wholly unfit to be speaking during the technical portion of this symposium. His commentary is annoying, flat wrong, and ruins the impact of what is being shown. As an IT Professional, the level of cringe is off the charts right now. And the other guy on stage, who is supposedly an IT guy, seems completely clueless. I really, really hope they structure this better moving forward and let the experts for each aspect of this project stay in their lane.


... literally called me today and started talking to me about how the U.S. is a Corporation, a company in Italy named 'Leonardo' switched votes and there's a signed affidavit to that effect, that the Dems and Republicans and are all bad and many are blackmailed by China, and on and on...

Don't you see, frens?! We've done it! WE are the news now! The normies are ALL waking up! I have discussions with other family members about what all of us here know, but my sister is something I wouldn't ever even think about talking to because she was so entrenched in the fantasy world they built for us to live in. And yet, here she is, coming at ME with this. I am so proud of each and every one of you for NEVER letting up and giving in.