One of the vital axioms of Q is future proves past. Time and again, we have seen the almost prophetic nature of Q manifest, as seemingly meaningless phrases ended up pointing to something imperative years later. I suspect it's just an incredible level of planning possibly complimented by extremely advanced AI, so powerful it's predictive abilities could be mistaken as supernatural or time lensing.

Whatever it is, there is no doubt Q has given us a road map that unlocks as the plan unfolds before us. Knowing this, every time a major event occurs, I immediately refer to Q and see if anything plugs in. With the advent of Russian intervention in Ukraine, and our awareness of deep state affiliation in Ukraine, I had a good feeling there would be related Q unlocks. Little did I realize it would lead to the most exciting research I've ever done and for the autist amongst us, potential keys to unlocking swaths of the map.

With the advance of Russia into Ukraine, I knew Putin was a person of interest so I got to digging. Noting the importance of wives, as potential handlers, I zeroed in on his spouse. Lyudmila Putina. Immediately piqued my interest to see they divorced in 2014. A very big year for Russia and Ukraine. Ukraine had their Maiden Revolution where the democratically elected President had been overthrown by globalist. After which, Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. Some would also say the Trump era began in 2014, as well. A historic year, indeed.

So I dive further into the nature of their divorce and his ex-wife. The announcement of their divorce was very interesting to say the least. The two had not been seen together since the inauguration of his 3rd term in 2012. Fast forward more than a year, and the two attend a ballet at the Kremlin Palace. La Esmeralda. A ballet based on The Hunchback of Notre Dame. Immediately after the performance, they announce their intentions to divorce. Officially confirmed by the Kremlin in 2014. What's interesting here is the ballet they chose to make the announcement. La Esmeralda is about a girl named Esmeralda that among many things, marries a man out of convince purely to save his life. A marriage not of love but obligation. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/putin-divorces-wife-30-years-article-1.1365281

I suspect this was a message to the deep state, and now us, that this marriage was arranged. That his wife was really his handler of 30+ years, and was no longer in control. Strings cut? I dig further on Lyudmila. Where's she from. Lyudmila was born in Kaliningrad. Home of the Russian Baltic Fleet. The Kaliningrad Oblast ( oblast are federal states of Russia) coat of arms immediately caught my eye. A white castle on a red shield (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaliningrad_Oblast.) Kaliningrad used to be called Konigsberg and was home to the Konigsberg castle. The castle on the coat of arms, I assume.

Well this castle just so happened to serve as residence for the Grandmasters of the Teutonic Order and their headquarters from 1466 to 1525. The Order had begun the castles construction in 1257, and had maintained a presence there for centuries. Denoting this city was of vital importance to an Order established in the holy lands, shortly after the first crusades. An order that held powerful sway over Europe for centuries and still exist today.

Symbolism abound? After 700 years, the castle was completely destroyed by the USSR under direct order from Leonid Brezhnev ( born in an area of Ukraine.) Directly beside the castle remnants, the USSR built an incredibly ugly building called the House of Soviets. Some kind of symbol to the world that the dark families had triumphed over an order I suspect they had been fighting for centuries?

Just speculating but I believe this alludes to aspects of the plan. It got me digging further into the coat of arms for more symbolism and came across dozens of red castles or castles on red fields. Each coat representing a region in Europe.


I also found several green castles but only a few.


This is all in reference to Qs post 2593, " Think Green/ Red Castle." I only found one coat of arms with a red and green castle on it but couldn't piece anything together in that region. It was peculiar because it also had a frog on it. A rare combination, indeed.


I also discovered that the Rothschilds, which translates to House at the Red Shield, also had a 'House at the Green Shield' as well, in Frankfurt. I did not find much on it thus far but it does state that Gutle, Mayer Rothschilds wife ( the guy that founded the family name,) remained at this house until her death. Follow the wives right? Red house/ Green house. Green/ Red Castle. Could be something here but I haven't pieced it together yet.


I apologize for the verbose nature of this post. Hopefully this can help us make more sense of the plan and the actors involved. It helped me put together some other, rather revealing info on the Revolutionary War, Washington's crossing of the Delaware, and the battle of Trenton. A post I'll work on next. Thank you for your patience and if you piece together anything, let me know.


I know, I know. The ole tripe that fusion is only 30 years away... for 60 years now. I know but please bear with me. Many of us have likely checked out on this front but in actuality, I think we could finally see fusion power in our lifetime. Maybe sooner than we realize. As we speak, a fusion project based out of Europe, ITER, is leading the way in fusion research and actively constructing a fusion reactor they believe should produce a Q of at least 1 and up to 10. Or 500 MW of fusion power from 50 MW of input heating power. I also believe they are already designing the next iteration that, combined with the research of the reactor they are currently constructing, will produce viable power. Sometime in the early the 30s. The research reactor they are building now is slated to produce a positive Q around 2025.

This is absolutely massive. With over a million years of fusion fuel in the oceans alone, this could address major obstacles for humanity. From food and water production to geopolitical turmoil, near unlimited energy could be a major factor in addressing the trials we face as a species. I am a die hard optimist to a fault, so you'll have to forgive my enthusiasm but I see great potential in this for a number of reasons. One of my favorites for instance, is using fusion as an excellent tool in thwarting the nefarious climate change agenda. With such great promise and potential as the ultimate green energy, I have done well in many debates with CC advocates. Why waste precious funding on garbage sources of energy like wind and solar when we could dedicate it to fusion research that can produce reliable power that doesn't cripple society in the process? If we're this close to a positive Q, highest so far is .62 I believe, then dumping green funding into fusion research will only help us realize it sooner. Instead of utterly wasting it on broken systems like wind farms that simply can not supply enough power without destroying current society in the process ( the plan all along.)

As for potential proof in diverting green funding to expedite this dream, look no further than MITs SPARC reactor. A recent breakthrough in material sciences allowed the development of high temperature super conductors to be used in their fusion reactor magnets. This allows them to build much smaller reactors which in turn, allows for quicker construction and less power required to heat and maintain the plasma. As it stands, SPARC is also estimating a positive Q by 2025. If they do, and the success garners more funding, we could see functional fusion power by 2030. Maybe sooner if we stopped wasting billions on garbage green energy projects that stand no chance of supporting a future population of 10 billion people.

This in conjunction with another meaning of Q could prove interesting in regards to fusion. Q is also the highest security clearance in the Department of Energy. You know, the department that oversees large aspects of our fusion weapons and energy sector. Military technology is often decades ahead of the civilian sector. Other 'breakthroughs' could manifest in the years to come. Especially as critical energy crisis' loom on the horizon. Justifying the full application of our top secret science apparatus. Our modern day Manhattan Project, if you will. A great undertaking worthy of the human spirit that could address multiple calamities including farces like the Climate Change agenda. Just food for thought and a little hopium in these dire times.




I'm hung over so I'm going to keep this short. Trump stopped a dark age with Operation Warpspeed. The key to the Great Reset was crippling shut downs 'while they developed the vaccines.' Shut down the world long enough and you would have no choice but to accept the NWO. Simply no economy to go back to. Trump saved billions of lives and thwarted a dark age humanity may have never recovered from. Now, they are still desperately trying to pull it off but as you can see, people are waking up and fighting back.

Their plan will fail but millions will still die. There was no avoiding this. Yet it's better than billions dying and the rest living in a unspeakable nightmare for the next 5000 years. Millions of people were going to take the vaccine no matter what Trump said. Just as millions refused to take it despite his coaxing. His encouragement and support of the vaccine is his only way to avoid the fallout of saving the world and the genocide they are actively carrying out.

Plausible deniability. Yes many people did take the vaccine because Trump endorsed it but most were going to take it anyways. Even if he did come out against it, which would be disastrous for him, his family, and stopping the Great Reset, most that took it were still going to take it regardless. The guy is a titan, there is no doubt, but he's not a god and he doesn't deserve to go down with these animals when they are finally held accountable. He saved the world from a living nightmare the likes of which most can't even conceive. I understand peoples frustrations with him but remember this is war and he had to make a very difficult choice in order to save humanity. The difference between millions or billions. Playing along as he is now was the only logical conclusion.

We will win this war one day and this will make more sense in time. Till then save as many as you can and continue to prepare for the battles to come. Merry Christmas. May the winds of God be at your back and may you wade through your enemies with glee.


Months after the plandemic kicked off, commercials for the Great Reset were released by the World Economic Forum. The plan: Release the virus. Shut down the world. Murder the economy with years of lock downs while they 'develop a vaccine.' Force the entire planet into the breadlines of the New World Order under the guise of a public health crisis.

Remember. They never thought Hillary was going to lose. This was to take effect under the last POTUS. Killary. She was going to herald a neo dark age the likes of which most can't conceive. Complete domination of the planet and the human spirit. An era of true horror that could have spanned eons. Imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

Enter the God Emperor. Trumps Operation Warp Speed developed vaccines fast enough to save the world from complete collapse. Instead of giving them the years they needed to see their plan through, Trump foiled their conquest with a miracle. No matter how imperfect, the vaccines Trump gave us saved the world from an unspeakable nightmare.

Trump thwarted the next dark age. I understand peoples frustration with the vaccine. It's not perfect. It wasn't tested so of course it's dangerous. It never had time to be tested though, did it? You were never going to stop millions from taking it anyways. MSM made sure of that. The deaths caused by these vaccines pales in comparison to the billions they would have murdered in their Great Reset.

As for the Great Reset, simply google it and dig. WEF site for it. A YouTube channel dedicated to it with hundreds of videos speaking on all aspects of their grand design. Official commercials. A book titled after it. Written by one of the masterminds behind it. Klaus Schwab. They're not really hiding it and they are still trying to pull it off, though it's more or less futile now. Thanks to Trump and the US military. You didn't really think Trump did this on his own, did you? It is WW3 after all.

So in closing, Operation Warp Speed saved billions of lives and the rest of humanity from eternal enslavement. People freaking out about the deaths from the vaccine don't realize this yet. These are causalities of WW3. It could have been infinitely worse. Trumped saved the world. Truly saved the world from true evil. Remember this when he reiterates the importance of Warp Speed. It will be known as one of the most, if not the most important operation ever. Thanks to the 2nd Greatest President in history.

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