I’d like to start a thread [sticky?]to discuss and vet Telegram channels in relation to the Great Awakening. Which ones are good? Who is Actually connected or who is spreading good information? Who are the bad actors [paytriots]? What are we looking for? Facts and reliable information.

Real and worth following for GAW and Q news

Lin Wood Garret Ziegler


Who to add?

Who to avoid?

Dan Scavino channel just started pushing a coin so I guess he’s out LOL.


It’s all making sense why space force was absolutely vital. Everything is in space. Warfare. Information. Raw Materials. All communication and ICBMs can be intercepted by Space Force. Worldwide. Add to that the “Rods from god” or Kinetic Bombardment. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kinetic_bombardment

These weapons would almost impossible to defend against. You could take out an entire countries infrastructure with a few well placed satellites.

If one was so inclined you could take out multiple dams in a country at the same time. There would be no defense for that.

That’s why for us, the border is so important and those pesky shipping containers.

I’m verklempt. Discuss. Talk amongst yourselves.


I still do, but I used to, too


...THEY ARE DEAD. So is Michael Jackson. He isn’t The Weeknd.

The “poisoning of the well” is apparent at this point. Ghostezra, Qfrogman etc all pushing these ridiculous garbage theories. People associate what we’re doing with this bullshit. Even worse is that people believe it. They’re starting to believe everything and it’s very demoralizing that this is where many in the community get their news.


We are in control - GeorgeNews from live chat


Can anyone find that drop outside of the stickied post? I can’t find that verbiage. Maybe I’m retarded. Even searching “they have zero control now” doesn’t return what is posted.

Is this an actual drop or is this shopped?


1208873492025925632 Do people really believe the biggest scandal in modern US history will go unpunished [Scot-Free]? Backchannels are important. Patriots stand at the ready [shills whine]. Q

When was this referenced? Earlier this morning at 12:08 AM Georgenews posting on telegram



Quiet for a few weeks. You’d think he’d have a lot to say, as he usually does....

I wonder who else is missing but not important enough to have someone maintaining their social media accounts


Rat head Raskin is an utter, total failure and piece of shit. This better be called out. Trumps defense looks like the performance of a first year public defender so far.

Something is off.


Good morning Frens Everyone is desperate for information. Obviously people are aware and are capitalizing on our thirst for knowledge My time on telegram has shown me that many users are sharing info from a common source. In this post I’d like to examine certain users and weed out the LARPS. Please add to this this so we can debate. LARPS So far: GhostEzra Qfrogman5326 GenMcinirney John F Kennedy jr Q News official TV These seem to be well followed, often quoted “sources” of vital habbenings. Anyone to add? Did I get any wrong? Happy hunting.


Him and Ivanka seem to have their own agenda. Jared is essentially a Zionist, the stories I’ve heard about him make me uneasy. Did ivanka and him reportedly make over half a million dollars while in the administration?

Did Trump bar him entry to the White House?

He made Ivanka convert in order to marry. That seems like Zionist behavior. Him and Ivanka were Democrats.

Did Jared keep Trump from GAB? Did he mislead him? Did Trump trust him?

Where do his loyalties lie?


I never thought about this. He’s tweeting from Mar A Lago

Is it normal for an ex president to retain his staff?


I was frustrated, it’s my own fault. Lashing out at some folks just trying to figure what we’re all trying to figure out.

I apologize to everyone, especially my frens on this forum. I should never get my hopes up on any date, from anyone.

Thanks for your understanding

Started hyping 6pm EST. Had countdown. Said Pope executed at 6pm at White House. Then said Crowd came (with fences) and disrupted everything. “Possible EAS next few days” Then deleted all those posts and turned off comments.


He reads this site and then tells us what we already know. He’s datefagging pretending like it’s “sourced” material. He sold too much fake hopium

Simon Parkes Ann Vandersteel Juan O Savin

Anymore for the list???


Best source of Hopium available. Live locations, nightly chats. Amazing videos.


It’s not unusual for them to fly over given my proximity to Camp Pendleton. Them circling the area is odd.

I’ve been here 11 years this is definitely abnormal. And loud.


Have they been trying to tell us something?The Matrix and V for Vendetta are extremely relevant, it can’t be by chance. Yes obviously they’re weird AF but it seems many artists have been trying to show us what’s behind the veil.

The People Spoke | Drain The Swamp

From the beginning we saw Trump cleaning house in Washington, lots of people got fired. Policies changed and the economy boomed. The Left (powered by the Geopolitical Conglomerate) tried to smear him. Viciously. Big Tech was already complicit in media smears as well as promoting propaganda for the Geopolitical Conglomerate

(see Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies video zachvorhies.com)

But try as they may their smears literally never phased Trump. He mocked them actually.

And simultaneously, more scandals began breaking in the news regarding the DEPLORABLE acts of corruption within our Government, America and the disgusting Geopolitical Conglomerate.

The Narrative Warfare heated up a notch. They still smeared Trump. But they targeted the American Minds even harder. Insane amounts of propaganda, manipulated stories and information, anything to make People hate him, the Administration, and the Government who supported him.

They began targeting more Officials and Industry leaders, ruthlessly, to leverage from the More and more people began to RESIST the propaganda, psychological conditioning and MSM programming of the Corrupt and hunt for the Truth.

People started becoming OSINT community’s. Open Source Intelligence in the Information Age is ripe for mining, and the more technical skills you have, the better you become at finding the truth.

Funny thing about Geopolitical Conglomerates long term plan of cultivating a Collective ideological (communist) population over time, and leveraging the population to do its bidding - see, the funny thing is that using methods of psychological subversion through mass media, like investing heavily in Film (Hollywood), Big Tech (Google and others) and Social Media (Platforms & Influencers) has driven the resultant generations of the population towards a surprising level technical competence..

Which started to backfire on them, HARD.

Especially when those generations began waking up to the corruption en masse, and sharing the truth en masse.. and becoming OSINT experts to consistently investigate the corruption, en masse.

The Geopolitical Conglomerate was being hunted. And they knew it. And it STILL scares them.

The deeper you dig, the more heinous the corruption, and the more WOKE you become to the world of Geopolitical Corruption.. And ultimately, people began to SEE their plan to effectively take over this Nation from within and without. inside, to betray the President.

More and more people began to RESIST the propaganda, psychological conditioning and MSM programming of the Corrupt and hunt for the Truth.

People started becoming OSINT community’s. Open Source Intelligence in the Information Age is ripe for mining, and the more technical skills you have, the better you become at finding the truth.

Funny thing about Geopolitical Conglomerates long term plan of cultivating a Collective ideological (communist) population over time, and leveraging the population to do its bidding - see, the funny thing is that using methods of psychological subversion through mass media, like investing heavily in Film (Hollywood), Big Tech (Google and others) and Social Media (Platforms & Influencers) has driven the resultant generations of the population towards a surprising level technical competence..

Which started to backfire on them, HARD.

Especially when those generations began waking up to the corruption en masse, and sharing the truth en masse.. and becoming OSINT experts to consistently investigate the corruption, en masse.

The Geopolitical Conglomerate was being hunted. And they knew it. And it STILL scares them.

The deeper you dig, the more heinous the corruption, and the more WOKE you become to the world of Geopolitical Corruption.. And ultimately, people began to SEE their plan to effectively take over this Nation from within a Patriots in the Trump Administration were facing insurmountable odds and getting stonewalled from all angles within government and industry because of corruption that was hidden from We The People. We were conditioned over decades not to acknowledge it properly, conditioned to accept the Government as sovereign and rely upon them, and stonewalled from Justice due to internal corruption. It’s a tough battle to win alone. Understand that We The People are Sovereign per the Constitution - NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. The Declaration of In “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

--That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

Understand the severity of the Trump Administration’s fight against EXTENSIVE corruption and ideological takeover from within our own Government. Take a look at the thread of this White House staffer, who ended up being one of the few who stayed in the fight with Trump and the Patriot Crew till the end. And even now, they are still pressing the fight.


Read through the thread, check out the documents and links, and see it for yourselves. I highly recommend the document he posted regarding Biological Leninism - it describes the Geopolitical Conglomerate’s ideological methods perfectly.

MAGA | Make America Great Again - understand that this is much more than a campaign slogan used to win an election for a 4 or 8 year term. The people who gave you MAGA intended to do so much more than anyone in the public realized - they intended to shake the foundations of Geopolitical Society, destabilize Central Banking, the Petrodollar and the Steel Cycle, and quite literally change course of History. And you need to understand this now - they actually accomplished what they set out to do. And it’s FAR from over. In fact, it’s just beginning.

Strategy To Change History 2016 - 2020 ??

In order to Make America Great Again, the brilliant Patriots in the Trump Administration understood that focusing on improving Policy and Economic conditions within America alone were never going to be enough to free this Nation from the threat of corruption and Global Collectivism, whose ultimate goal is to bind this Nation to serve their economic interests and power whims. Handy for making war and experimenting upon. It’s sickening.

While improving conditions within America were a top priority, this Administration wanted to secure and free the Nation for good, not just for 4 or 8 years. They have been thinking LONG TERM STRATEGY from the beginning.

Trump was a formidable adversary to the current generation of corrupt, collectivist-minded Geopolitical Conglomerates.

Trump hates Communism, for real. So does Melania. Remember, Roy Cohn was his mentor.

He is not a believer in their schemes, he’s a believer in the American Way. (‘Merica!)

He could not be bought <insert Trump shrugging gif>

And most importantly (and this they KNEW) he could absolutely NOT be leveraged by Blackmail, dirt or any other of their disgusting go-to leverage schemes. <mwahaha, what a BOSS>

They have hated him from the very beginning...

He’s an OG American Titan, he does whatever the fuck he wants - and many of them, are actually afraid of him.

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