I realize it's Fox News, but things that make you go hmmmmm....



Now Fraudci says that we should focus on hospitalizations, not total counts (something we've said since the beginning). Is this another example of the collapse?


Letter to Drs about jabs (doctors4covidethics.org)
posted ago by AgMan71 ago by AgMan71

I'm losing hope here people, talk me down. What if NCSWIC is actually a warning to the good side, instead of providing hope?

First let me say, I have faith that good will win over evil. But with so much chaos right now, how can we be sure that the phrase NCSWIC is actually for the good side? Maybe I'm losing hope here, and might need to be talked off the edge, but this thought continues to creep into my mind.

That's it? They rest? ARE YOU KIDDING ME?


OF course those idiots edited out where President Trump said they would PEACEFULLY protest and make their voices heard. SUCH HORSESH!T