Albion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mine said: Your General Tso’s Chicken was actually Grandma Jo’s kitten. Better luck next time.

Albion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol I just looked at the football game and 0:42 left in the 2nd quarter.

Albion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump did pardon four of their guys. I don’t think he did it to give the enemy more fighters but Betsy DeVos is distancing herself and Erik Prince is her brother.

Albion 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah he beat Obummer in the first debate then went limp the next two. He wasn’t supposed to win just like Kerry and Gore weren’t. Just plan Bs. They definitely rigged the primaries and stole votes from Ron Paul as well.

Albion -9 points ago +1 / -10

Umm, probably not. Q is a psy op, for better or worse. I’m not a hater because there is factual information that is being shared to a wide audience and it is reaching some of the normies. I see it as a tool in the arsenal of Patriots but I’m far too jaded to believe in a team of white knights (or a God Emperor) coming to save the day while we all just sit back with popcorn and “enjoy the show.” I’d love to be wrong but it’s never worked like that historically. If we rely on people behind the scenes to do the heavy lifting, we’re gonna be in for a rough life. However, this “Great Awakening” is shifting the Overton Window and getting more players on the team. When enough of our team gets into the power structures and every level of government (worldwide), that’s when the magick really happens. I think as long as we are using Q and not the other way around, its a good thing.

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