I think I just figured out why the push for impeachment. Bear with me.

What if Roberts isn’t THAT much of a scumbag. What if the word from that staffer got out to make him seem like more of one? Soon, all the cases are going to be seen at once for the states that fucked up the election. The ones that didn’t follow their own laws, etc. Not the fraudulent thing, that’s another beast entirely. The thing where they changed the laws and such at the last minute. SCOTUS might rule in their favor. Congress, or at least a few swamp creatures know this. They want to impeach Trump quickly so he will not be able to be president when they overturn Biden’s “win”.

Roberts is staying out of that because he doesn’t want the appearance that he didn’t convict Trump on the impeachment, THEN handed him the presidency through SCOTUS.

Edit: He’s probably still a scumbag but he’s one that thinks SCOTUS is above the petty squabbles of the other two branches.

Edit 2: They tried removing him in his last couple days with the 25th Amendment. That didn’t take. Now they’re trying to impeach him so he can’t come back into office again. This is not simple hatred of him. This has ass covering written all over it.


So I was thinking something.

FBI vetted 20,000 Guardsmen and was surprised to find out that >86% were loyal to Trump.

So figure around 13% not loyal, right?

13% x 20,000= 2,600.

2,000 Guardsmen we’re just sworn in as Marshalls and given arresting powers.

They were not all from the same Guard unit. We know from other reports that Guardsmen were all told to keep an eye on each other for signs of too much loyalty to Trump, or something to that affect.

What if those 2,000 that were sworn in were the ones the FBI deemed to be most loyal to Biden? Not The Constitution, but Biden.

Sounds like there’s a big network of Gestapo within the military presence in DC set up to try and detain any potential Trump supporters for when the shit goes down

That’s just where my brain went. I could be wrong.


"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Some of you folks in here might recognize that. It’s the oath of enlistment. Officers’ oaths are similar. The military largely backs Trump. Even without orders, the majority like him. He’s got a civilian army changing at the bit to go fight for him. He’s also on the side of the Constitution, what with this election being fraudulent and the vast number of oath-breaking stooges holding positions of power. Our president, though we love him, may not be a general, but he’s a hell of a strategist. He’s got the bad guys dead to rights, (both foreign and domestic) and has the People behind him. He’s got generals backing him, advising him. A 3-star has been backing him with almost every move. It doesn’t add up that he would leave all these pieces on the board and call it a loss. He might not want to sacrifice US, but we’re willing to fight for him. The country ceases to exist if he doesn’t take a stand. And the Leftists will hunt him and his family to the ends of the earth. They won’t let anyone remotely connected with him ever work again. It might not be the hopium some of us want, but looking at it logically, for everything we know of this man, does it seem like he would give up, with everything he has going for him? Sure it’s possible. Sure, he may just be tired of everybody shitting on him, and he’s saying “Fuck you, I’m out!” and I honestly don’t think I could blame him. But all he needs to do is give us the order. We’ll fight for him, and WIN.