Didn't have a place to toss out my gum. So I figured F it, I'll just swallow it. It was freaking hard, felt wrong and took a few tries. ( I can swallow 8+ pills at once so that isn't the problem.) My mother told me all the classic things while growing up.

Now imagine that it happened for another 20 years by a 100+ people. Everyone of them you look up too. Every time you express a thought that goes against this programming it is quickly corrected.

Now add into the equation another 100+ topics/views/ideas that reenforce the other ideas.

It quickly becomes a spider web of lies where a person's self-identity/reality is built on. When these threads are pulled on with a funny meme. The web painfully vibrates. If too many are cut then it collapses into a noose and the person is unknowing presented with the option ( literally don't realized that they must reject a truth / fact because if they were to accept it then they must change their reality. This would quickly result in a painful cascade as their world collapses ). After their brain malfunctions they just panic and attack like a wild beast because as far as they know their whole world is under attack. Also it is under attack by memes.

I'm honestly worried that mass suicides is about normies waking up to a shattered world and not being strong enough to continue on realizing that they were unknowingly supporting so much evil.