ArchetypalJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's definitely true. I don't believe they meant any harm and were being confident which is how you should be until the end.

ArchetypalJustice 2 points ago +2 / -0

Okay yeah definitely a misunderstanding here dude. I read your comment wrong because I was getting sleepy while scrolling. Idk why I replied. K explained that and apologized. Besides all I was saying is that the people that stormed in and got violent were wrong and made their own decision to do so. That reply makes sense if the context was right. But you said "didn't attend the event" and I corrected what I said.

I'm not being aggressive or trolling or really doing anything wrong at all. I understand feeling emotional but you don't need to be hateful when A. You don't know me and can't just assume whatever you want. And B. I'm not even being shitty or trolling. I said I was incorrect and said my bad and fixed it and explained.

You're acting like an unhinged leftist way more than me dude. Hateful and assuming without proof or even knowing what you're talking about. I should ignore it and not reply but this is the kind of shitty hateful behavior I see taking over the left and the it's kind of thing that shouldn't be ignored.

You're being a dick and it isn't right. Please re-read my comment and use critical thinking and I promise you'll see it different. I'm on the same side I voted for Trump I'm disappointed too fuck Biden all of it.

ArchetypalJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ohhh. Yeah damn I can see that happening. Realistic. Life. Ugh.

Take care brother

ArchetypalJustice -1 points ago +0 / -1

Well for the sake of still correcting myself despite your shitty rude response, I gotta admit I misread and didn't process the "didnt attend the event" part and when responding I was thinking about people who entered the building. Idk why. I didn't sleep last night so I will admit that's my bad. You are correct, that would not make you a terrorist.

But good God man even if I meant it the way it seemed, your response went to 100 real fast.

ArchetypalJustice -4 points ago +1 / -5

I dont agree. You make your own choices. Those people were wrong and b.

ArchetypalJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just want to know what they had to gain by saying to trust the plan and shit...what was the point? Attention? I don't understand why _

ArchetypalJustice 1 point ago +1 / -0

We should really make sure to find out why middle aged men spent so much time saying to trust the plan and stay tuned etc.

Like what made Flynn feel so confident? Or, what made him lie?

ArchetypalJustice 9 points ago +9 / -0

Why though? This time we need an answer.

If flynn and rudy and lin and all of them just fade away...

I just want to know why a bunch of middle aged dudes spent so much time peddling false hope. What was the point? Or the goal?

Was it for attention? Flynn just got out of prison didn't he? Its like go drink a smoothie and fuck your wife. Golf too boring?

For God's sake.

Why did Trump send so many troops? The Marshals?

I'm setting myself to eat my words on purpose.

Take care everyone. Love this board though.

ArchetypalJustice 2 points ago +2 / -0

What's up with those YouTube channels actually? I keep seeing them and they will either have names in another language or very basic names like "live video" I think was one of them. They post the same kind of content. Clips from Fox news but the titles always use strange characters that look like normal letters like the B in this videos title. They also all have the same kinds of thumbnails. Always something ridiculous like this one with Biden in a jumpsuit which hasn't happened and is misleading. But then the headlines inthe thumbnails often say something strange like an insult or something that didn't even happen. RIP shows up a lot.

I've seen multiple now and because something seemed off I blocked one then another shows up in my feed. Actually the first one I blocked and (because hitting not interested didn't do anything) and it actually showed up in my feed again after blocking. If you go to the channel the rest of their videos are in another language which doesn't matter but the rest of their content doesn't seem to be similar either.

I'm glad one got posted so I could ask finally. Any clue gang?