As the title says, is the military/NG still in DC, in the process of pulling out, or are they still fully entrenched?


This dose not mean the end for we only lost the battle not the war. After everything that happened this election many normies who were apolitical or softdems switched sides and woke up to the cluster fuck that is DC, and we know now that we are a majority in this country. So now we must pick our targets, the first ones being the institutions that helped hide this fraud. We must take out the media and social media before the next election so that when the fraud happens they wont be able to sweep it under the rug. They already are weak, Fox and CNN have lost much in ratings and Twitter is doing a nose dive in stocks, all we need to do is be the ones to fill the void they leave behind when they finally croak.

For all doom larpers, this aint the end and the dems used the nuclear option this election, this wont be how every election in America will play out (at least not local and state elections). They will be walking on glass for bides whole presidency, not only that they are not all knowing and wont do stupid radical shit like desolve the union or start concentration camps.

we now know how deep this rot goes and who backs it, we know our targets they don't know there opposition.

God Bless America!!