ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've screenshotted your emotional outburst and should upload to another site which you can't erase.

I am guessing you are a moderator who wants to have the last word and not let someone reply to their child-like outbursts.

ArmedPatriotGirl 0 points ago +1 / -1



WRITES Glow harder "ARMED PATRIOT GIRL" Fitting name for a glowie.

REPLY A true sign of a liberal.

Resort to name calling.

queue-anon 1

WRITES Emotions. Cloud. Judgment. You don't seem to understand Q at all. Like, at all. Goto Patriots.win with your outbursts. We are grounded here, you are not. Kindly, fuck off. You seem to glow.

REPLY Second sign of a liberal….

A) acting as if you are superior and can control free speech on the platform first by trying to belittle me and secondly by literally doing what Dems do which is accuse someone of doing precisely what they are doing.

You my friend are the emotional one who demands I share can ONLY agree with YOUR opinions and then you use the F word…

You have exhibited ALL the classic signs of a liberal.

I assume your next trick would be to call me a racist and then block me.

Please, I deal with liberal trolls all day on liberal sites… and I recognize one in action

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Second sign of a liberal….

A) acting as if you are superior and can control free speech on the platform first by trying to belittle me and secondly by literally doing what Dems do which is accuse someone of doing precisely what they are doing.

You my friend are the emotional one who demands I share can ONLY agree with YOUR opinions and then you use the F word…

You have exhibited ALL the classic signs of a liberal.

I assume your next trick would be to call me a racist and then block me.

Please, I deal with liberal trolls all day on liberal sites… and I recognize one inaction

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

A true sign of a liberal.

Resort to name calling.

I think you would prefer facebook where the rest of the libs are.

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Second sign of a liberal….

Acting as if you are superior and can control free speech on the platform first by trying to belittle me and secondly by literally doing what Dems do which is accuse someone of doing precisely what they are doing.

You my friend are the emotional one who demands I CAN ONLY share AND agree with YOUR opinions and then you use the F word…

You have exhibited ALL the classic signs of a liberal.

I assume your next trick would be to call me a racist and then block me.

Please, I deal with liberal trolls all day on liberal sites… and I recognize one in action (and if I did not know better, you feel the need to make yourself feel better by convincing yourself "some" master plan will make it all better.

Take a screenshot of this and tell me how you feel when Fraud 2.0 is attempted.

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Me think though protesth too much.

You do know that conservatives are fighting to preserve free speech.

You do know that I stated we'll have to agree to disagree,

You do know the sign of a liberal is one who calls someone names... why don't you hurl racist at me as well.

The fact you have to tell someone to fuck off makes you sounds like an emotional out of control liberal troll.

If you don't like free speech may I suggest Facebook for you.

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +1 / -0

You sound like a liberal so in one ear and out the other with a comment like that.

ArmedPatriotGirl -1 points ago +1 / -2

Well, he's a patriot.

He's old enough to see things for what they are (in my humble opinion).

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +3 / -2

On the one had it sounds like a fiction novel and on the other hand, John Voight literally said we are in a civil war which millions of people agree with.

Anyone who thinks our country is being run by anything short of the CCP, global elites or others with a very bad agenda is braindead or from the brainwashed left.

So it is not implausible that people are so awake that JV's words are being listened to. Think about it, he's can't go much further than he did in his speech, but there are patriots who are not going to keep watching sheep go to slaughter.

That said, is the entire MAUI event a giant conspiracy theory?

Is that BS to?

Weapons from space being to used with precision to take out an entire city so the rich could swoop in a take it?

Which is the greater of the two conspiracy theories/BS.

Today anything is possible to have occurred and to deny that is to stick ones head in the sand.

Maybe an elite team swooped in and did something legal (using powers granted to them to make citizen arrests). The video did not say Rambo and his team went in and shot up the police station.

Maybe Maui was nothing more than a legit natural disaster -- or maybe it was a dry run of space weaponry combined with seeing JUST how far the corrupt powers that be can push the limits of what Americans will take - same as COVID 1 being a dry run for COVID 2. Conspiracy theory or real.

Bottom line is we live in a world where fact is stranger than fiction, but to dismiss something and/or NOT be able to converse about it is censorship at best and stupidity at worst case.

Just my two cents.

ArmedPatriotGirl -2 points ago +2 / -4

That's a theory. Any theory is good till proven otherwise 😁

It could make for a decent TV movie (ok, so maybe the writer's have to polish up the script) 😆zzzzzzzzz

But it's hopium at the very least.

I've seen copycats start with less of a push, so maybe even if it were fake, it inspires true patriots to use the actual right of citizens arrest to take down some actual bad cops -- and most people agree the cops in HA on that day were downright evil.

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +2 / -1

But how many times have their been conspiracy theories on this or any other site and they turned out to be true.

ArmedPatriotGirl -1 points ago +1 / -2

DAMN... I'm gett'in dizzy keep'in up... I vote it's real and I'd like to see a chain reaction of events like this (assuming the 1st one was real), because this is what Johnny Boy was calling for (John Voight).

ArmedPatriotGirl 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ya know who the men in grey suits are?

That's Aussie for Great White sharks.

Little bit a trivia 😁

ArmedPatriotGirl 3 points ago +6 / -3

you so funny 🤣

but that is how I feel with anything happening today...

Would anyone believe a former President of America would have been charged with over 90 counts and be possibly get a 700 year life sentence.

Would anyone believe Tucker Carlson manned up and as a MSM personality stated unequivocally that what's next is the Dems are gonna assassinate Trump?

and on and on and on -- it's all twilight zone shit these days.

Doesn't mean it's fake

ArmedPatriotGirl 1 point ago +4 / -3

I'd pay to get to be part of a team like the one the guy in the video is talking about.

God knows Jon Voight is calling for patriots to understand we are in a civil war and to take a real stand.

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