In Canada they use selamectin which is a derivative of Ivermectin. But yeah they use it to rid lots of animals of parasites pretty regularly.
Ivermectin, I believe was created from Avermectin which was identified in a Japanese soil bacterium. Kinda cool.
You're right, there are dimensions A, B, C, and T for time as far as we can perceive.
There is a saying that the universe is full of lost time travelers who attempted space travel but forgot to account for the T function, so they would fold space to a particular coordinate but end up in a different time than planned, never to return because the universe changes over long spans of time.
I love the deep thinking this subject inspires. Always fun to ponder.
I've suspected that reality as we know it is actually a grid of energy. When 3 or more energies intersect at 90⁰ to eachother (there are more than 3 dimensions so you can have more than 3, oddly still at 90⁰) we observe some of it. 3 intersections would be in our dimension so to speak, but there would be mathematically speaking, other intersections we cannot see.
I assume these energies are frequencies in the EM spectrum, or even spread spectrum. The other numbers of Chaos matrix theory could be thought of as off key or flat/sharp notes of the main "notes" of consciousness. Consciousness creates the main network of projections of reality, which interact and create harmonic chords or, distortions in the prime frequencies.
What is the Earth "maximum capacity" ?
Around 3 Billion. There is a mass extinction event that is relatively imminent but cocreative conscious time makes predicting such events nearly impossible. ME events occur when the negative karma of a planet implodes on its own weight and a reset occurs. Earth may survive. How many recorded mass extinctions have there been? How many years between M.E. events? How many years overdue is Earth currently? The only thing holding the M.E. event back is the Majestic 12. Have you noticed more people waking up? How about people who were so biased against conspiracy theories? How about people who only watch the Mockingbird Media? Technology will forcibly controlling the Matrix. Think Antartica. Mind Control Experiments. Transmit medium?
This is the post I think you are referencing.
This is a lot to unpack. If they are indeed exoplanetary intelligence, dealing with other races of beings, this would make sense, from the point of them limiting a negative extinction level event, and orchestrating an awakening through various positive outcome psyops such as Q. 3 billion, im unsure of this metric, as I have no way of knowing what the max capacity of the earth is. That would be a little less than half the planet currently, not a great implication I'll admit.
If we're truly facing biblical times, I would assume that there is a TON more information behind the Revelation prophecies and timeline we are facing. Understanding deeper, there may very well be a negative orientated ET race that has preyed upon us for thousands of years, which we called demons or whatever, old gods like Moloch.
There are dimensions to the understandings, truth is seemingly in this case, stranger than fiction.
When you read the whole document, cross reference with Q material, religious prophecy, history, and then look at the now, it paints a pretty crazy picture.
Its majestic 😅
It was compiled by someone online by somebody (not sure who) saving the original Twitter posts in a pdf format.
The original account was operative for a little while, answering questions and doing AMAs.
It repeats some stuff, as it Is categorized by subject matter. I'd recommend maybe jumping to subjects of interest, then reading the whole document when you have the time to be able to.
You will learn that the MJ12 was infiltrated by 322 (skull and crossbones) which they allowed for a time, to hand them the rope with which to hang themselves. Many more other bits of info are in here. Similar to the "Hidden Hand" posts of 2005.
MJ12 was created as a response to roswell, and subsequent events, by the USA to gain a hold over our own planet and remove the demonic ET threat. Not all operations are clean.
It goes DEEP. Some people may find it unsettling. Or have cognitive dissonance. Not my problem, believe what you wish to, but contemplating it and testing it against your own knowledge would be advised, as any new information dictates.
I can see I've already upset a few people, but that's for them to rectify internally.
Happy reading fren!
Last I checked we were created above the angels in hierarchy. 😁
Welcome to school. Education doesn't come easy. How can you become what you were created to be by being ignorant of symbolism and numbers. If God created the universe, and the dimensions, it's not inherently evil.
Them using your ignorance of such things against you is though.
The whole text is very heavy in the concepts of ISBE and multidimensional depth of the soul.
Nothing is as it seems, we all have our religious or spiritual beliefs, and sometimes we have to rectify those with new information.
We are all free to believe as we may, I find the information to be in line with my own understandings which are supplemented by real life experience. But everybody has a different lens of understanding.
If it provokes thought, contemplation, inner searching. There really can't be much of a downside.
This is a compiled document of the MJ12 Twitter account that dropped Q like bombs of knowledge in 2019. It does discuss Q in relation to their mission and objectives, which heavily supports the Q narrative as being real and factual.
If you have not read this, I would recommend having a good read through this material, archive offline, and revisit It once in a while. As time goes on it becomes more and more relevant and in my opinion this document is instrumental to understanding the current playing field we find ourselves in.
I hope it brings a new perspective to some pedes who may not have had a chance to see this, and renews some faith in the older Pedes who may have felt down lately.
This ^ is in reference to Majestic 12 and their signature Numerology.
MJ12 is the non terrestrial operations command which is positioned above space force.
Q is terrestrial operation, where MJ12 is multidimensional and above any terrestrial operation. They are the top level of SSP programs more or less.
I know this is a Q forum, but there are ties between the 2 operations, and when I see new badges I always look at the numbers, which most times end up heavy with 3/6/9 symbolism.
3 is the number of the spirit. (Immortal spirit) 6 is the number of man (Biological entity) 9 is the number of Source.
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