My theory on GeorgeNews is maybe they are like the World War 2 combat camera men. Their posts imply they were present during Trump's administration with special access. I feel maybe they were tasked as the sole media entity that is documenting the entire journey. They will turn it into a documentary of some kind and show to the world as a form of full disclosure and as a record of history. This would imply that they had a plan and they knew this needed to be filmed and documented. Their soft disclosure could indicate that we are nearing the end and they will soon come to a full disclosure.

One thing of note is the recent photos of Trump in North Korea and the other one where it might be in China(?), could it be possible to see who were traveling with Trump or if there are any photos form these trips that we could dig through? Pictures would imply someone in the trusted circle, always actively traveling with Trump, and maybe not family because whatever that Key is for I dun see it being given to a family member?

Im currently looking at this video to see if I see anything of interest. Just doing it mostly to keep my mind busy in any case but wondering if others more capable at digging would think if there is any value to it.


Is it possible the former head of Trump's Secret Service Keith Schiller might have a part in this and is who received the Key?


I just found this article interesting because it states he is still on the payroll of RNC but it is unknown as for what reason. It does also state that Keith Schiller left his job in 2017 and moved to Boca Raton, Florida which is only 25miles from Mar-a-Lago. The entire article has many interesting details making me feel he still has a part to play even if not related to George.


Just super curious about GeorgeNews and what the Keys could mean. Hope this was an interesting read at least as I admit its not really strong connections.


Has anyone watched Stargate SG-1? I watched Stargate Atlantis but never finished SG-1 so I started to watch the show on Netflix and in the midst of all recent events I find it odd that certain aspects of the show bears similarities to the events and conspiracies of today. Of particular note:

Season 4 episode 15 "Chain Reaction"

Season 4 episode 16 "2010"

Season 5 episode 10 "2001"

These episodes seem to tackle themes such as the Deep State and Vaccine sterilization and mention of Vaccine bioweapon that targets specific DNA. I also find it interesting that one of their patches bears somewhat of a resemblance to US Space Force logo. Top it all off we had recent rumblings of UFOs and aliens and stuff and it all seems so surreal.

I had heard in the past that US Airforce loved the show and had their blessing and input as well as Richard Dean Anderson receiving general's stars and honorary brigadier general for his protrayal of Oneill.

Richard Dean Anderson happened to be good friends with John de Lancie who happened to play a character called "Q" in the StarTrek Series. Now Q's description on Wikipedia was interesting to say the least lol. If I recall correctly I recall Qposts hinting at alien origin. Just found them all to be incredibly coincidental. Life imitating Art, Art imitating Life? Predictive programming? I dunno.