IM GONNA FUCKING HURT MYSELF IF THIS MOVEMENT IS A LIE. And you are sitting here talking about cheese coupons? Yes - it’s an amazing program and I’m eternally GRATEFUL for the cheese vouchers, but there are more important things going on right now. Stay focused. The cheese will fall into place. I’m sorry if you’re feeling bleu. I’m feeling bleu too. Let’s make America Grate again, frens
IM GONNA FUCKING HURT MYSELF IF THIS MOVEMENT IS A LIE. And you are sitting here talking about cheese coupons? Yes - it’s an amazing program and I’m eternally GRATEFUL for the cheese vouchers, but there are more important things going on right now. Stay focused. The cheese will fall into place. I’m sorry if you’re feeling bleu. I’m feeling bleu too. Let’s make America Grate again, frens