We're all aware of the Corporation of America stuff and that it seems like we're moving towards (or back to) the constitutional republic that we've supposed to have been this entire time. What if Trump hasn't dissolved this corporation, but redefined it as the area now contained within the newly constructed (border?) fence? This would mean that Biden would indeed be inaugurated, but his and the rest of the crooked government's jurisdiction ends at the fence. Sampastan is now an occupied enemy nation-state and/or giant Fema Camp that is something of a colony to the New (old) Republic where it's citizens await their extradition, trial, and punishments on American soil. Discuss.
If you still have twitter, change your profile picture to @RealDonaldTrump's and your name to Donald J. Trump RIGHT NOW #NewProfilePic
New Guy Fawkes mask.
We are Millions!