
The Buy-din regime has created fake economic statistics for years now and has been using every dirty trick in the book to cover up how bad the economy and employment numbers really are.

President Trump is going to inherit this total mess of a bad economy in the coming year and will of course be blamed for all of it. He must already know this, so it will be interesting to see what he can do to turn things around, and how quickly.

The other thing mentioned in the article is the President Trump needs to address the growing problem of all the people that have been injured by the mandated injections. That is another problem covered up by the media that could also blow up in his face. I am really interested to see what he plans to do about that mess, even though it does not apply to me personally.


I found a deep state article explaining that FEMA only has 20 billion for disaster relief, which they contend is nowhere near enough because of "climate change" (of course).

It looks like FEMA's ongoing incompetence and inactivity is part of a ploy to grab many additional billions... with little or no accountability regarding where the money goes (much like foreign aid money laundering).



Cyberattacks on the infrastructure that provides drinking water in the US.




I believe this is actually a good thing, because it GUARANTEES that the D's convention in Chicago will likely be a repeat of the '68 convention chaos.

If Biden had been nominated and then dropped out afterward, the DNC could have simply selected whoever they wanted to replace him.

By dropping out before he is nominated, that means they have to have a vote during the convention... and there is no clear front runner in terms of his replacement. Also, Kumquat is a wild card - it is going to be very difficult to kick her (Indian/Black/Whatever) ass to the curb in favor of a whole new ticket.

Even worse for the D's, they have to worry about ballot deadlines, raising donations for the new ticket, and so on.

Expect total chaos...



Elon Musk has fully endorsed President Trump. He is pulling his businesses out of California and moving them to Texas. He has made many posts lately on X that are total redpills... in short, he has done a lot of things that really piss off the libtards.

This video discusses the consequences to Tesla's market share, profitability, etc. going forward since most of Tesla's customers are libtards... the guy in the video has been short on Tesla for many years, so he is obviously not a fanboi, but he does raise some good points.

I wonder what EM / Oak Tree is doing? I'm not complaining, obviously - I'm just a bit baffled (in a good way).


Post on X: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1774919676998697432

Post on TCN: https://tuckercarlson.com/the-tucker-carlson-encounter-michael-nehls/

Book: https://www.amazon.com/Indoctrinated-Brain-Successfully-Global-Freedom/dp/1510778365

The good news is that the effects can be reversed, at any age. The summarized cure is moderate physical exercise + Vitamin D supplements + Omega 3 supplements. A good multivitamin is also recommended for a variety of other vitamins and minerals.

The other important mineral is Lithium (very low dose) to reverse the effects of "brain fog", etc.



I don't know if this is old news or not, but it just showed up on X today. The original post was from July of 2023, and has been retweeted about 20 minutes ago. This is all new to me... I did not see anything about it last summer.

Video along with text of the documentary. VERY disturbing eye witness descriptions of the actions of the satanic rituals, etc. Incredibly evil. Be prepared if you view the video or read the text.



Why RNA-vaccines are fraudulent and direly dangerous Letter from Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Karina Reiss PhD and Michael Palmer MD, please read and share! Aussie17 Mar 26

Chromosomes are the books of life containing DNA-encoded recipes for the production of protein molecules. When needed, the book is opened and a copy of the required recipe is made. The copy is mRNA, which directs production of the protein, after which it is disposed of. RNA vaccines resemble such short-lived copies of chromosomal recipes that direct the production of selected antigens, e.g. the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. More than one billion copies (RNA molecules) are administered with each injection. Mass production of mRNA requires mass availability of the DNA recipes. How can this be achieved?

The solution represents a founding pillar of gene technology. The billions and trillions of copies of the DNA recipes are derived from bacteria. The recipes are contained in minute, bacterial chromosomes that are termed plasmids. The division time of the bacteria is approximately 20 minutes—the number of cells increases approximately eightfold every hour. Literally countless bacteria with the plasmids can therefore be harvested from fluid culture in just a few days. Plasmids are easily manipulated. Foreign recipes, i.e. genes such as those encoding for viral proteins can be inserted. Following bacterial multiplication, the plasmids are harvested and used as the templates for production of the mRNA copies. The RNA molecules are then packaged into tiny fatty globules termed lipid nanoparticles (LNP). The essential components of LNP are man-made and are known to be toxic in their own right. Moreover, the particular compounds used by Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna had not even been tested on humans before the mRNA-vaccines containing them were granted emergency use authorization¹²³⁴, which implies an undeniable and unnecessary health risk.

The LNP packaging is essential to protect RNA from destruction so that it can travel in the bloodstream to reach all organs of the body. There the globules act as Trojan horses. They are taken up by cells and their cargo is then released. Production of the spike protein and triggering of the immune response follow, leading to formation of specific antibodies that are supposed to protect against future infections.

However, the immune system recognizes and destroys body cells that produce foreign proteins, such as occurs when they become infected with viruses. This ability to recognize non-self is given at birth. It protects us throughout life because virus-infected cells are thus effectively eliminated. It cannot be suppressed. Therefore, if mRNA encoding for any non-self protein is introduced into a cell, that cell will come under attack by the immune system.

Transplant rejection tellingly illustrates this elementary fact. You receive my kidney, you reject my kidney. You receive my second kidney, the second rejection follows, faster and more furious. The same principles underlie the ever-intensifying manifestation of injury incurred by vaccine boosters.

The numbers of packaged RNA copies administered with each injection are gigantic. Myriad immune attack events will erupt throughout the body that can only halt when production of the alien protein comes to an end. How long will this take? Just a few days, as the vaccine manufacturers and regulatory authorities have always asserted?

An alarming finding surfaced over the past two years that was irreconcilable with that assertion. Spike protein and multi-organ inflammation was detected in vaccinees weeks and even months after the injections⁵⁶⁷, and this was associated with severe and often fatal illness. What earthly reason could there have been and could there still be for long-lasting production of an mRNAencoded protein? A possible and frightening answer came with the discovery of McKernan and colleagues that was published one year ago⁸. In the vaccine production process, the plasmid DNA templates must be removed from the generated mRNA before the latter is packaged into LNPs. Otherwise, plasmids cannot but also end up in the lipid globules. McKernan discovered that this crucial step of removing plasmid DNA had not been assiduously undertaken. Huge amounts of plasmid DNA were found in many batches of Pfizer’s and Moderna’s mRNA vaccines.

Kevin McKernan’s findings were belittled by the collective mainstream. Regulatory authorities stated that the presence of DNA had been disclosed to them by the manufacturers, and that this had not deterred authorization because the reported levels had been within the permitted limits set by the WHO. But where do these limits originate? In adopting its limit of 10 nanograms of DNA per vaccine dose⁹, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) referred to a WHO report from 1998¹⁰. In this technical report, we read:

The current state of knowledge suggests that continuous-cell-line DNA … [at] up to 10ng per purified dose can now be considered acceptable. … The new upper limit … does not apply to products derived from microbial, diploid or primary-cell-culture systems. 

We note that the WHO report distinguishes two kinds of DNA. One is considered more dangerous than the other, and its amount is therefore restricted to the aforementioned value. But which of the two categories does the plasmid DNA found in the mRNA vaccines fall into—the more or the less harmful one?

It belongs into neither, actually, because the WHO guideline implicitly assumes that any DNA contained in the drug or vaccine in question will be just that: "‘naked"’ DNA, whose uptake into the cells of our body will be very inefficient. In contrast, the LNP packaging of the mRNA vaccines will ensure a far more efficient DNA uptake into the cells of our body (see below). It would therefore be necessary to establish a “safe” level of residual DNA with new, carefully planned experiments that employ the LNP delivery technology. But for the sake of argument, let us for now accept the EMA’s stipulated limit.

In its already cited report [9], the EMA asserts that all vaccine samples it had received from Pfizer/BioNTech before approval had been in compliance with its own limit for residual DNA content. Apparently, however, the EMA—and likewise all other regulators globally—did not ensure continued quality control after the approval. This must be concluded from Kevin McKernan’s findings—since confirmed by others—that DNA levels in all tested vaccine batches exceed the WHO’s and EMA’s limit, in some cases by about one thousand times¹¹.

So the incredible realization dawns: production of the fateful vaccine which was destined to be injected into hundreds of millions human beings was carried out without any oversight, and the resulting preparations were in gross violation of the terms under which they had been authorized. Now, it is forbidden to inject a medicine that does not meet the specifications stated in its authorization. Injection of these vaccines is, therefore, today nothing less than a criminal act. This is what unknowing governments have been lured into doing on their own people.

Take good heed: the responsible authorities in Western countries have actively declined to undertake any action to clarify whether McKernan’s team might be right. They chant in unison: There is no reason to assume that the DNA will make its way into cells. And should this occur, it will quickly be broken down and destroyed. Furthermore: the nucleus is separated from the cell cytosol by an impenetrable membrane, so that foreign DNA will never be able to enter into the compartment where it might unfold its function.

The good thing about this frightful story is that these responsible authorities have betrayed themselves. They are now out in open and stand with their backs to the walls. The governmental institutions are obviously in league with the perpetrators of a monstrous crime. McKernan’s findings set the alarm bells ringing in the head of anyone who has the slightest inkling of biology. Packaging of plasmid and plasmid-derived DNA in LNP must be expected to result in their efficient delivery to cells. The nuclear membrane breaks down whenever a cell divides, and foreign DNA will then become enclosed in the newly formed nuclei of the daughter cells. And even without genomic integration, foreign DNA can invoke abnormal events and the prolonged production of encoded proteins¹².

McKernan’s findings were confirmed in other laboratories in the USA and Canada. We now report on experiments conducted with BioNTech Comirnaty batches by a team of experienced German researchers. First finding: large amounts of bacterial DNA were detected in all six batches examined. All genes encoded on the plasmid were identified. Moreover, the plasmid contains a special element, the so-called SV40 promoter, whose presence was not revealed to the public and not declared to the authorities. Presence of the SV40-promoter was discovered by McKernan in US- batches, and the German team now confirm this finding in German vials. Now, why Pfizer-BioNTech put the SV40 promoter on their plasmid is a most interesting question. The element is not required for production of spike-mRNA and it is not present on Moderna’s Covid-spike plasmid. The SV40 promoter has the fascinating capacity to smuggle itself and attached DNA-sequences across the intact nuclear membrane even in non-dividing cells. We leave it to you to ponder over what this means.

On to the next question: will plasmid DNA be taken up and persist in human cells for any significant length of time? The answer: Yes!

The team has found that DNA-uptake occurs rapidly and the genes persist in the cells for many days, remaining detectable even after a cycle of cell replication. The assertion that uptaken DNA is rapidly destroyed is damningly false and constitutes dangerous medical misinformation.

Next question: will transfected cells produce spike proteins for more than one day? The answer: Yes! Spike production commenced within hours and continued for many days.

In the laboratory, it is possible to insert plasmid DNA into the book of life. The possible consequences of such insertional mutagenesis are unending. Disruption of the exquisitely tuned network that controls cell division and differentiation can lead to cancer. Alteration of genes involved in the immunological network can cause its dysfunction. Disruption of genes in cells of the brain may lead to any disease described in neurological textbooks. Mutations in sperm and fertilized egg cells render altered traits inheritable.

The last question now: Is there any earthly reason to fear that bacterial DNA from the vaccines may become inserted into human chromosomes? To approach this question, the German team sent their transfected cells to Kevin for whole genome sequencing. The results can be viewed on Kevin’s substack¹³. And the answer: yes, the evidence is presently almost complete!

If it happens in isolated cells, is there any reason why it will not happen in the body?

Today, here and now, we are facing the realization that governments around the globe have installed a satanic program that has maimed, killed and genetically modified millions of hapless humans around the globe. The program is being expanded, since the WHO intends to generally replace conventional vaccines in human and veterinary medicine with mRNA-injectables. The WHO tells us that the COVID vaccines have shown their safety, so any quality control of future agents is not necessary. Nothing could be further from the truth¹⁴¹⁵¹⁶.

Dear fellow citizens, for the sake of your loved ones, never forget this. Uptake and expression of a foreign gene will always cause attack of the immune system on the cell. Since all other mRNA vaccines will encode non-self, they will cause harm that will worsen with each booster. And for sure, contamination of mRNA-vaccines will be the rule, because no cost-effective procedure exists to reliably separate mass-produced mRNA from the plasmids.

The WHO-program threatens mankind. It threatens YOU and your beloved. Nations of the world, unite and save us from this criminal madness. Stop the mRNA-vaccines. Stop the WHO.

By Sucharit Bhakdi MD, Karina Reiss PhD and Michael Palmer MD

Credit: Doctors for COVID Ethics


Here it is... wow


Trump's Third Act has begun. It's a beauty.

Next week, Trump could make over $4 billion when his media company goes public, removing all doubt about his billionaire status.

And you can stop asking if he would have been better off putting his inheritance in a savings account in the 70s.

I expect Trump to leave a 15% tip for Leticia James and the Democrats because they made his windfall possible by hunting him and censoring him for years. You can call it a bond, not a tip, if you prefer.

When the Supreme Court tosses out the unconstitutional fine, Trump gets most of his "tip" back.

The Democrats planned to cripple Trump financially so he couldn't spend as much on the campaign. Trump turned Leticia James into his best fundraiser.

Lots of interesting developments lately on the topic of the 2020 election. The Simulation wants at least one of those fresh allegations to be a Kraken.

Trump's legal maneuvering is likely to keep him eligible for the election.

You can fantasize about a heroic Democrat such as Newsom swooping in and replacing Biden, but it's looking less likely every day. If it had always been the plan, it would have happened by now. Looks like Biden has to stay on the job to keep the Biden Crime Family out of jail.

The predictable Democrat Summer Hoax will add some excitement, but it will be forgotten and debunked by November.

Trump's upcoming victory is looking like it will be, as Trump says, "too big to rig." And by that I mean Democrats will try to rig it anyway and get caught. That will be fun.

The gears of the machine have become visible. We can all see the FBI is rotten and the DOJ is weaponized. We know the border is open intentionally. We know the cartels are working with our government. We know our elections are DESIGNED to not be auditable and there's only one reason for it. We can see Biden is not in charge. We know the Ukraine war was always about its energy resources and who gets to own them. We know our rising debt is ruinous. We know our experts are liars. We know our pharma and food industries are poisoning us. We know our government is racist. We know the corporate media is essentially owned by Democrats who are controlled by intelligence entities and they are actively brainwashing the population. We know the 1st and 2nd amendments, and X, are under sustained government attack because they are the public's last defense against the government.

But we are not quitters.

And the odds do not apply to us.



"The purpose of several coup attempts was not to install a military junta [pronounced HOON-tah] but to restore by necessary force the American Republic, which had gone downhill since the overthrow of the U.S. government by the American secret political police, by way of the murder in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy."

Internet Archive: Sherman, H. Skolnick, Overthrow Of The American Republic--The Writings Of Sherman Skolnick, Dandelion Enterprises ( 2007)






Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano exposes Pizzagate and names Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and former editor of The Recount, Slade Sohmer, who was recently arrested for child porn.

He also discusses how Jeffrey Epstein ran a blackmail operation on his island and collected evidence of well-known people committing heinous ritual crimes against children.


The evidence is laid out in this thread of posts from the "ObservingConciousness" account on X:


I have pasted some of the content of the thread below:

Contemplate this thought... What if Blackrock (and more) has been overtaken/confiscated by the good guys? What if the push so hard for ESG measures is to speed up the Woke Virus Ideology narrative to such a degree that people start to realize just how crazy it is? Look to Bud Light, Target, and high social media activity for success measures. What if the Aladdin AI is being used to track the flow of illegal money and to identify all the players?

Like Trump accelerated vax, he may be accelerating the "hared mob" much earlier that DS wants it to peak, 2024 election. It will fizzle out too early.

First we took over The Fed... Then Twitter 1.0... Then Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet... and more... Then we used Blackrock to shove over the top ESG down everyone's throats to awaken them... We then used the Aladdin AI system created by Blackrock to:

  • Gather evidence on all illegal banking and investment transactions
  • Methodically crash the FIAT economy/currency The Fed slowly increasing rates drove up inflation aiding the controlled economy crash... BRICS+ is the partnership "we" have with global leaders to support the takedown of global deepstate... We used The Great Reset playbook against them by accelerating the plan... The reset will happen... But it's controlled by us... Quantum Chess... "Shall we play a game?"

How to take down the Cabal... Weaponized Systems Dynamics... Cabal uses a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) to maintain control of all the moving parts... A "centralized" stategic method of managing a "decentralized" network of other complex adaptive systems... Think Global Mafia on Steroids... When working in large Complex Adaptive Systems (system of systems) the strategy is driven by a Mission, Vision, and Roadmap. I am a 30 year professional CAS systems process change executive coach & strategist - Alchemist... When changing, manipulating, or shutting down a complex adaptive system... it's done interactively and incrementally or it fails... Using direct feedback loops from the system (signals, leading and lagging indicators) the change strategy is regularly adjusted based on how the system is responding... Checkers is 2-D strategy, cause and effect... single strategy... Chess is 3-D, Two competing complex adaptive strategies - SINGLE GAME... Quantum Chess is 5-D, complex adaptive systems multi-prong strategy that can play INFINITE CHESS games simultaneously using feedback from each strategy to evolve the primary strategy in real time... Below is an image of the food supply complex adaptive system... Now imagine controlling not only the food supply system... but the global systems of travel, health care, drug supply, oil supply, militaries, banking, you name it... Then imagine the plan to take all of that down... We are in the final stages of that strategy... 5th Generation Warfare...


Given President Trump's post about the vaccines, there have been a lot of people firing up this topic again.

Here is one of the better summaries (with sources) that I have seen:


For those that don't have X accounts, I have pasted it below:

I see people blaming Trump again for the Vaccines… So I put together a video compilation of Trump statements re: The Jab

LISTEN closely and read every single word in this post.

VID HIGHLIGHTS: • Booster - “I’ll wait and see, later says he won’t get it.

• “FDA is bureaucratically run. It would have taken 5+ years.

• “I learned things, the FDA is virtually controlled by Pfizer.

• Trump got Pfizer. But he also took Regeneron.

• He has natural immunity because he got Covid… Regeneron treatment.

• “I want people to have their freedoms.”

• “Very early on I took therapeutics, I SHOWED THINGS to the country; therapeutics.”

• Don’t get angry, we did it in 9 months… compared to 5-12 years…

• “I think the other side poisoned people on it.”

• “Vax Manufacturers Should Release Their Vaccine Data“

• “Vax Manufacturers are Holding Back Information. Not Good”

• “Some love the vax. Some hate the vax. I understand both sides”

• “We will not comply…. No mandates”

• “Some day we’re gonna have to sit down and have a little talk about vaccines”


  1. Do you understand that we are in a War?

  2. Does everyone understand that Trump is not a doctor or a virologist?


  4. How many people have you known who are/have been wearing masks, got every booster?

  5. How many friends, family members, coworkers, have you tried to redpill about these jabs but didn’t work?

  6. What if Hillary won?

  7. Final question— imagine if Trump DID NOT become president & said he was done fighting for our country.

How does that make you feel? Who then do you blame?


We are in a WAR for humanity.

Trump Is a wartime president. Wartime decisions are not easy. Wartime generals have to decide which decision(s) will ensure a victory & the fewest casualties.

TRUMP DID NOT MAKE THESE VACCINES! And he damn sure did not force anyone. Stop blaming him!

They wanted everything locked down for many years, until a “vaccine” could come save the day.

If Hillary won in 2016, THEY would have gotten 3 SCOTUS judges, Hundreds of federal judges.

Can you not see the damn problems we would have had if she won?

Never ending LOCKDOWNS that would have absolutely destroyed the middle class & would have suffered a catastrophic economic crisis. NO JUDICIAL HELP!

As much support & love Trump has, ALOT of people support vaccines. They STILL DO.

• Trump DID try to go against the narrative when the pandemic began & he was vilified.

• He wanted people to have a choice on masks & jabs, but he was villified.

• He wanted life to go on & the economy to stay open, but he was villified.

• He offered HCQ & other preventive treatments, ensuring we had EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION, but he was vilified.

Nothing was good enough. Americans bought into the MSM BULLSHIT narrative we needed a Vaccine to feel safe to open the economy back up.

Imagine what life would be like if the economy, businesses, were STILL closed today.

Many WILL NEVER accept the truth. They won’t accept it until MSM tells them so.

HELL, people still walk around with masks, BY THEMSLEVES, because the MSM has people scarred to death.

Trying to speak common sense to Americans DID NOT WORK.

When Trump says these “vaccines” saved countless of lives, you better fucking believe he’s not talking about the jabs.

OPERATION WARPSPEED wasn’t about a vaccine. It was about giving people the confidence to open the world back up & stop CONTRIBUTING to their own fucking demise.

To avoid never ending lockdowns. To stop the collapse of America, the world.

We were slow boiling Frogs.

Trump simply turned up the heat & all of us Frogs jumped the fook out and we are pulling other frogs out every damn day.

Everyone had a choice. Trump sure isn’t making it for us.

So Blame ourselves for being asleep. Not the man who did the best he could to give us options between a rock and a hard place.

THIS VIDEO http://rumble.com/v4i0e5z-donald-trump-compilation-of-statements-on-the-vaccines.html

Embedded video 11:19 AM · Mar 8, 2024


Short excerpt from the interview (the whole thing was amazing):


Russel Brand quote from the interview:

"If all we are being offered is a slow grind into endless war and more authoritarianism.. What have we got to lose when all they are offering us is more war, endless pandemics... I think in a sense, surely that God is creating the perfect conditions for our mutual awakening. And perhaps what's required is the spur, the ignition of something so unbearable that people will awaken rather than endure it any further. And perhaps that is what we are being offered now. Yes, of course, it seems, like we are on the precipice of catastrophe... But also it seems like a potential offering to awakening. And I don't think we have any other choice but to see it that way."

This is basically paraphrasing some of the Q posts... kind of amazing. They are mainstreaming the concept of the Great Awakening.


Here is the GWP link


As Burning Bright and others have mentioned, in order to win an info-war, it is not necessary to get your opponent to convert to your world view... it is only necessary to get them to abandon theirs.


This X / twitter account has a ton of information about the ghost busses used for the J6 (and many other) protest information - all from tracking mobile devices.


Read the background about this guy (Tony Seruga) and his partners, and all the data they have collected. Excerpt pasted below:

My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.

There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors, and other nefarious behaviors.

We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made.

The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data.

Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings.

This post is even more interesting, about FirstNet and its attempts to cover up all of the data, suppress whistleblowers, etc.


Very, very interesting... all sorts of rabbit holes to explore...