How in the world are people still obsessing over this early Q post? It's not a mystery. I get so annoyed with anons sometimes that my patience is at an end with all the dead ends and random theories.

The answer is Trump. That's it, it's Donald J. Trump. Until then we had no reason to think he was on the forum posting at ALL but then we got pics of his watch and even some subtle selfies which got people even more excited. That's it. I know because I was there since the beginning of the drops. Stop saying it's JFK, or Tom Clancy, or AI or John McAfee or Jesus himself. It makes us look stupid as fuck. Some of y'all seriously lack reading comprehension if you can't understand basic shit that Q is trying to convey, holy shit people.

Also, people even misquote Q. He said "wait until you find out who's been talking to you here." Not, "who's been writing all the Q posts" so some anons can't even get the Q quote right. It doesn't mean Trump has written every single Q post. Q is just trying to convey that the POTUS himself, the most powerful man in the world, was talking directly to patriots in some of the Q posts, which no one had any reason to think that in the early drops.

Hello a relative of mine is anemic (not vaxxed so this has nothing to do with The Shot, they've been anemic most of their life) and the doctors can't seem to figure out how to help her. She's gone for several iron infusions in the past year alone but her iron continues to drop to low levels regardless. Curious if there's a way to deal with this. I've read on this forum that ivermectin and HCQ helps people with parasites and cancers and all sorts of stuff so I'm curious if anyone knows any solutions to anemia that the doctors aren't telling people. Thanks.